It's Taurus time 💵 🌱

It's Taurus time 💵 🌱

Welcome to Taurus season.

Taurus season, rolling around this year from April 19 to May 19, is when we all get a little taste of that strong, earthy Taurus vibe. This time is all about kicking back a bit, focusing on what makes you feel stable, and really soaking up the good stuff in life. It’s also about focusing on how to bring more abundance into your life and manifest like a queen.

With Taurus, it’s all about enjoying the finer things—good food, comfy settings, and maybe a little luxury shopping. This season encourages us to indulge our senses and find joy in the material world. Whether treating yourself to your favourite meal or buying that cozy blanket, Taurus season says, "Go for it!"

Taurus season themes:

Enjoying the Good Life

With Taurus, it’s all about enjoying the finer things—good food, comfy settings, and maybe a little luxury shopping. This season encourages us to indulge our senses and find joy in the material world.

Chilling Out and Sticking to It

Taurus is the master of sticking with it, whether it's a project, a hobby, or a relationship. During Taurus season, you might find yourself wanting to slow down and really commit to things with a long-term view.

Manifesting & abundance

Taurus is good with that money, honey. Learn to attract wealth and opportunities by aligning with the energy of Taurus, known for its affinity for material and emotional richness.

Taurus readings / coaching

  • Taurus 90-min Life Coaching

    Personalised coaching based on you astrology, to help you live your best life

  • Taurus season guide

    Your essential companion to navigate and make the most out Taurus season.

  • Cosmic Coaching - 8 weeks

    Personalised coachig based on your astro birth chart and Human Design chart.

As seen in…👀

We feel all kindsa fancy having a mediaaahhh section now…

Read our magical blog.

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