Cosmic coaching: step into your purpose and highest timeline

We use your birth chart and Human Design chart to unlocking the universe's blueprint for you. Find your purpose, heal your past and break patterns, and step into the life you deserve.

What is your astro birth chart and your Human Design chart?

🔍 Your Birth Chart: Think of your birth chart as the cosmic map of your life's journey. It unveils the secrets of your personality, strengths, and the challenges you may encounter. It's like having a personalized guidebook to navigate life's twists and turns with confidence and clarity.

🌌 Your Human Design Chart: Your human design chart is like the blueprint of your soul's architecture. It reveals the intricate design of your energy centers, decision-making strategies, and unique talents. By understanding your human design, you can unlock the keys to living in alignment with your true nature and purpose.

Change your life in 8 weeks

This one-to-one coaching for 8 weeks that takes a deep dive into your astro & human design really helps you to live your best life and overcome your limiting beliefs.

Living your purpose is the ultimate form of self-love.

Hey, I’m Betty, a channeler and intuitive life and business coach. I’m passionate about helping people find a purpose and go after their dreams. I love helping you find your confidence, overcome your limiting beliefs, to help you pursue your passions and live in alignment. That's exactly what I'm doing with my global spiritual business The Cosmic Co.

Here’s what I believe: you have to do the spiritual and practical, to build something you dream about. To create something from nothing, you have to use your soul’s blue print (astrology and human design), Quantum shifts, healing old paradigms, and a whole heap of magic.

You are worthy of everything you desire, and it was put in your brain because the universe wants you to have it. Let's work together on getting really clear when your purpose, is and helping you make your dreams come true with all the tools the universe gave us.

Here's how we can help you break free and unleash your true potential:

🔍 Identify What's Holding You Back: Together, we'll explore the root causes of what's been holding you back from living your best life. Through using your birth chart and having in-depth discussions and introspective exercises, we'll uncover the limiting beliefs, fears, and patterns that have been keeping you stuck.

🛠️ Tools for Transformation: Armed with insights from your birth chart and human design chart, as well as other powerful tools and techniques, we'll equip you with the resources you need to overcome obstacles and transform your mindset. From visualization exercises to energy-clearing practices, we'll tailor our approach to meet your unique needs and goals.

🌟 Step into Your Power: With personalized guidance and support, you'll learn how to reclaim your power and confidence. We'll work together to cultivate a deep sense of self-belief, resilience, and inner strength, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with grace and courage.

💫 Align with Your Cosmic Essence: Discover the beauty of aligning with the cosmic energies and synchronising your actions with the universe. By tapping into your unique cosmic blueprint, you'll gain clarity on your purpose and direction in life, allowing you to live with greater authenticity and fulfilment.

Build a life based on your astro blueprint.

8 weeks of 1-to-1 exclusive coaching, where we dive deep into your life's purpose, challenges, and innate strengths using the wisdom of your astrology and Human Design chart.

All of this is worth $10,000, but we have it on offer for just $2500.

What is an astro birth chart?

An astro birth chart, also called a natal chart, shows where the stars and planets were when you were born. It's like a cosmic snapshot of that moment! To make one, you need to know your birth date, time, and place. Then, an astrologer draws up a chart with symbols representing the sun, moon, and planets in the sky against the zodiac signs and houses.

Each symbol in the chart tells something about you. For instance, your sun sign is about your main personality, while the moon sign reflects your emotions. Other planets show things like communication style, relationships, and career.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a unique personality analysis tool. It's based on the idea that each person is born with a specific "design" or blueprint that determines their individuality, strengths, and life path.

The foundation of Human Design is the concept of "energy types," which categorize people into one of four main types: Generator, Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector. These types reflect different strategies for how individuals can best navigate their lives and interact with others.

In addition to energy types, Human Design also considers other factors such as authority (the best decision-making strategy for each individual), centers (which represent different aspects of life), and profiles (a combination of traits based on the positions of the sun and personality gates).

Move towards your destiny

This cosmic coaching will guide you toward discovering your true self and aligning with your purpose. By delving into the depths of your charts , we'll uncover insights into your unique traits, strengths, and potential challenges. Armed with this knowledge, you can navigate life's twists and turns with greater clarity and confidence with a strategy and coaching programme that reflects what you need. Embracing your cosmic blueprint will help you make decisions in alignment with your authentic self, leading you closer to fulfilling your destiny. With each step, you'll move forward with a deeper understanding of who you are and where you're headed, empowered to live a life that resonates with your soul's calling. And you’re not doing it alone, I’m here to help you with these magical tools by using the themes and signatures of your charts to help you create your best life.

In 8 weeks, you'll:

In 8 weeks, you'll:

How Can Cosmic Coaching Benefit You?

  1. Discover and Break Past Patterns: Recognize and address repetitive behaviours and tendencies that might be limiting your potential. Your South Node has the keys.

  2. Visionary Life Mapping: Going beyond just understanding, we actively craft a visionary roadmap, integrating the North Node's wisdom to guide you towards your destiny.

  3. Navigate Towards Your True North: Let your North Node be the compass. Together, we’ll set goals aligned with this magnetic pull, propelling you towards genuine growth.

  4. Embrace and Conquer Challenges: Your North Node might present new challenges, but that's where true growth lies. I’ll be with you every step, guiding and supporting your journey.

  5. Harness the Power of Both: This isn't about abandoning the South for the North. It’s a dance between the two, using your innate skills to bolster your growth journey.

  6. Personalized Strategies: Whether you’re a North Node Leo driven towards self-expression, or a 10th house individual aiming for career heights, our coaching is tailored just for you.

Client love

  • The coaching not only shifted my mindset around money but also equipped me with practical tools to navigate through my money journey with confidence, I now experience a flow of abundance that aligns seamlessly, which I NEVER expected.

    Sophia M

  • Before joining Betty's manifestation coaching, I felt stuck in my career and personal life. Her 6-week program was a game-changer for me. With Betty's guidance, I've learned how to harness the power of positive thinking and intention-setting. I've not only landed my dream job but also found a newfound sense of peace and happiness.

    Samantha J.

  • Betty's coaching was the catalyst I needed to turn my dreams into reality. Her personalized approach and practical techniques helped me break through mental barriers I didn't even know I had. I've manifested not only a significant promotion but also improved my relationships.

    Jenny T

  • I was skeptical at first - blending quantum field principles and money seemed so abstract. My health coaching business is not just surviving; it’s thriving! Learning how to navigate through my financial journey using universal principles was the missing link. I've found a balance between making money and making a difference

    Ethan K

  • Betty's 8-week coaching went beyond my expectations. Her empathetic approach and deep understanding of manifestation principles provided a safe and encouraging space to explore and grow. I've not only achieved my short-term goals but also developed a mindset that prepares me for future success. Betty is an exceptional coach and mentor.

    Talia O

  • "Understanding my money blocks was a game-changer. Coaching with Betty didn't just elevate my business; it transformed my entire approach to abundance. I’m no longer just making money; I’m in sync with it!

    Noah S

Ready to change your life?

This one-on-one coaching is exclusive and by application only.

Payment plans are available. Send me an email to find out more.