The Cosmic Co is a modern guide to yourself and the universe.

Our vision is to raise consciousness with community, coaching and connection.

Hello! I’m Betty

Hey, I’m Betty, founder of The Cosmic Co and channeler, psychic and Life and Business Coach. I’m passionate about helping people find their purpose and go after their dreams. I love helping you find your confidence, overcome your limiting beliefs, to help you pursue your passions and live in alignment. That's exactly what I'm doing with my global spiritual business The Cosmic Co. I now use those skills to help guides, practitioners, star seeds and lightworkers. So you reach and help more people we can raise consciousness together!

Here’s what I believe: you have to do the spiritual and practical, to build something you dream about. To create something from nothing, you have to use Quantum shifts, healing old paradigms, and a whole heap of magic.

You are worthy of everything you desire, and it was put in your brain because the universe wants you to have it. Let's work together on getting really clear when your purpose, is and helping you make your dreams come true..


Values ⋆


To yourself, purpose, soul family and God


Inspired by the universe's endless growth, we champion expansion in all forms—knowledge, self, and spirit. 


We create safe spaces for soulful connections, where you meet others on the same journey as yourself.


Your transformation is the key to broader change. Our community turns personal growth into collective evolution, embracing the magic of turning potential into reality.


Finding joy in every moment. It's about the happiness we share and discover together on this journey.

Real-Life Magic

In the ordinary, we find the extraordinary. Unlearning cultural rhetoric and discovering the magic in creation, change and evolution.

Welcome to the Cosmic disco.

Read our magical blog.

Let’s be BFF’s..

The services and products sold through The Cosmic Co, events and practitioners are not a substitution for the expertise and help available from professional service providers, including medical, financial, therapy, counseling, and more. The Cosmic Co strongly recommends that anyone seeking medical or mental health advice see a qualified medical professional in person.