Want to learn about magick, astrology, aliens and the universe from experts? Sign up for The Cosmic Coven.

Welcome to Taurus season.

Taurus season, rolling around this year from April 19 to May 19, is when we all get a little taste of that strong, earthy Taurus vibe. This time is all about kicking back a bit, focusing on what makes you feel stable, and really soaking up the good stuff in life. It’s also about focusing on how to bring more abundance into your life and manifest like a queen.

With Taurus, it’s all about enjoying the finer things—good food, comfy settings, and maybe a little luxury shopping. This season encourages us to indulge our senses and find joy in the material world. Whether treating yourself to your favourite meal or buying that cozy blanket, Taurus season says, "Go for it!"

Let's get cosmic baby 🪐

Let's get cosmic baby 🪐


Are you a cosmic queen wanting to know more about the universe, make friends and have fun doing it?


Get ready to make new friends and for a monthly dose of mind-blowing workshops that cover an array of cosmic subjects. From astrology to manifesting with the universe, quantum physics to designing your own reality, and even delving into the mysterious world of aliens - we've got it all and then some!

For high vibin’, crystal lovin’, incense burning, tarot readin’, energy lovin’ spiritual bada**es

For high vibin’, crystal lovin’, incense burning, tarot readin’, energy lovin’ spiritual bada**es

Whether you're feeling lost or seeking deeper understanding, we're here to lead you back to yourself.

The perks of being a member…

  • Attend member's only meetups

    We know how badly you want to connect with people who get your witchy ways, where you can talk all day long about spirituality too. Come to exclusive monthly member meetups, to make new friends!

  • Grow and learn on your spiritual journey

    It can be super scary and isolating when you’re on your spiritual journey. Not everyone get is. That’s where our member’s club comes in, so you can learn from experts and watch the replays whenever you want.

  • Attend classes and workshops

    That’s right! From astrology workshops to group healing sessions and much more, you’ll have access to workshops which is free with your membership.

This month’s events

  • Taurus new moon journaling workshop

    Get ready to set go deep for the new moon and manifest with Taurus energy. A powerful community event.

  • Taurus season: energy update and workshop

    Learn all about Taurus season, the themes you need to know and journal promots

  • Group channelled coaching

    Group coaching with Betty channelling the answers from your gudes

I’m Betty: your cosmic guide to the universe!

Hey, I’m Betty, founder of The Cosmic Co and channeler, psychic and Life and Business Coach. I’m passionate about helping people find their purpose and go after their dreams. I love helping you find your confidence, overcome your limiting beliefs, to help you pursue your passions and live in alignment. That's exactly what I'm doing with my global spiritual business The Cosmic Co. I now use those skills to help guides, practitioners, star seeds and lightworkers. So you reach and help more people we can raise consciousness together!

Here’s what I believe: you have to do the spiritual and practical, to build something you dream about. To create something from nothing, you have to use Quantum shifts, healing old paradigms, and a whole heap of magic.

You are worthy of everything you desire, and it was put in your brain because the universe wants you to have it. Let's work together on getting really clear when your purpose, is and helping you make your dreams come true..

You don’t have to feel alone anymore.

Past events

  • Watch past replays

    Get access to our library of content

  • Live channelled coaching

    Once a month there will be live channeled coaching with Betty

  • Speaking opportunities

    You’ll be offered opportunities to speak to our global audience

  • Live podcast access

    Access to live recordings of our Cosmic Co Show: ask your questions to our guest leaders and lightworkers

  • In-person meetups

    Meetups, retreats and our annual Cosmic Fest - all discounted for our coven members.

  • Free attendance to Cosmic Fest

    On 11/11

  • Discounts on retreats

    Come play with us in paradise

In a world that often feels pre-programmed, dare to be the anomaly, the unexpected, the glitch that disrupts the norm. 🌪💡

Just as a glitch in the matrix makes us question reality, your unique essence can inspire others to think differently, dream bigger, and break free from the confines of conventionality.

How this membership helps:

📖 Education: Dive deep into spiritual teachings, helping you navigate your own path.

🌀 Community: Connect with like-minded "glitches," all looking to reshape the matrix.

🔮 Guidance: Monthly tarot readings, energy forecasts, and astrological insights to guide your journey.

🧘‍♂️ Mindfulness: Meditation and manifestation practices to fine-tune your energy and purpose.

🌍 Action: Tools and challenges to apply cosmic wisdom in the real world, making tangible changes.

Choose your plan



Online Coven

2 x astro-themed classes

1 x moon circle

Access to the community platform

1 x monthly digital astro overview and guide

Coming soon



Online + IRL events +
Channeled coaching + Access to community platform

Launching in LA, London & Manc soon!

Cancel anytime

What to expect in the first few months:

Virtual members meetups

Meet other members virtually and make new friends

Monthly workshops

Learn about manifesting your best year yet and how to use spells, sigils and visualisation.

Free worksheets and downloads

From gratitude journals, to manifestation work sheets.

Healing sessions

Healing together through EFT, reiki, ancestral healing and more

Exclusive monthly collective channeled reading: for those in that club

To guide you through the transits and cosmic energies that month.

Doors open soon

Doors open soon


  • It's our exciting virtual monthly membership for members around the world, to come together, make friends, and learn from guides, teachers and healers. It's a great way to not feel alone.

  • It is our intention to be a global network, so that people from all kinds of cities, villages and remote places can join and have access ability to meeting new people and learning new magical skills. This time will be having workshops in all time zones, so everyone gets access to the workshop and the nearest time zone.

  • Yes, each month from the date you signed up. Or every 12 months for annual

  • Check both your junk mail and inbox, if you can't see an email

  • Yes absolutely, if you’re on the monthly subscription - you can cancel anytime. But if you’re an annual member, you’ve paid for the year in advance, so you can cancel and still get access to workshops and member benefits until the end of your subscription.