Are you a visionary, a changemaker, a New Earth Leader feeling the call of the cosmos?

Cosmic Awakening is a specially curated 3-month mystery school, designed for those who are here to lead humanity into a new era of consciousness.

If you resonate with being a healer, witch starseed or lightworker, poised to make a significant impact on our planet, this journey is crafted for you. It’s time to remember who you are, connect deeply with your cosmic family, and channel their wisdom to guide others.

This is your sign from the universe

Awaken Your Starseed Essence:

  1. Reveal the celestial origins of your soul and step into your power as a leader of the New Earth.

  2. Forge Deep Connections with Your Cosmic Family: Learn to communicate and collaborate with your star family and cosmic guides, drawing on their wisdom and strength.

  3. Channel Wisdom for Earth’s Ascension: Become a conduit for cosmic wisdom, using your enhanced abilities to guide, heal, and inspire those around you.

  4. Elevate Global Consciousness: Apply your insights and energies to elevate the consciousness of humanity, contributing to the planet's shift into a higher vibrational state.

  5. Be part of a Community of Visionary Leaders: Connect with like-minded souls, sharing strategies, support, and inspiration to collectively usher in the New Earth.

Step into Your Role as a New Earth Leader

Who this is for:

  1. Seekers of Cosmic Wisdom: If you are drawn to ancient wisdom, metaphysical teachings, and the exploration of consciousness beyond the physical realm, this program will provide you with the tools and guidance to deepen your understanding and expand your awareness.

  2. Starseeds and Lightworkers: If you resonate with the idea that you are a starseed or lightworker with a mission to assist in the planetary awakening, this program will support you in remembering your soul's purpose and activating your innate gifts and abilities.

  3. Spiritual Explorers: Whether you are new to spirituality or have been on the path for years, if you are curious about topics such as astral travel, multidimensional existence, and channeling cosmic wisdom, this program will offer you a comprehensive exploration of these subjects.

  4. Earth Stewards and Global Visionaries: If you feel called to be a steward of the Earth and contribute to the healing and transformation of the planet, this program will empower you to align with Earth's ascension process and co-create a harmonious and sustainable world.

  5. Community Builders and Leaders: If you are inspired to connect with like-minded souls, build conscious communities, and lead by example in ushering in the New Earth paradigm, this program will provide you with the support and inspiration to manifest your vision.

I’m Betty: your cosmic guide to the universe

Hey, I’m Betty, founder of The Cosmic Co and channeler, psychic and Life and Business Coach. I’m passionate about helping people find their purpose and go after their dreams. I love helping you find your confidence, overcome your limiting beliefs, to help you pursue your passions and live in alignment. That's exactly what I'm doing with my global spiritual business The Cosmic Co. I now use those skills to help guides, practitioners, star seeds and lightworkers. So you reach and help more people we can raise consciousness together!

Here’s what I believe: you have to do the spiritual and practical, to build something you dream about. To create something from nothing, you have to use Quantum shifts, healing old paradigms, and a whole heap of magic.

This mystery school is a culmination of decades of profound learning, direct guidance from spirit, and the wisdom inherited from past lives as a galactic being and a keeper of ancient knowledge. Rooted in the depths of cosmic consciousness and infused with the essence of celestial realms, this program offers a transformative journey unlike any other.

Connect with the Arcturians, Sirians, Pleiadians, and the Galactic Federation.

As a New Earth Leader, you are called to bridge celestial wisdom with the evolution of humanity. The Cosmic Awakening mystery school offers an unparalleled opportunity to work directly with multiple inter-dimensional, cosmic and galactic beings. Through guided channelling sessions through me, you will connect with the Arcturians, Sirians, Pleiadians, and members of the Galactic Federation. This 3-month school is designed to awaken your starseed heritage, enhance your leadership capabilities, and empower you to guide humanity into a new era of consciousness.

What to expect:

Access to ancient universal wisdom: channelled through Betty for each phase of your cosmic awakening and leadership journey.

Live Coaching Calls: Weekly classes taking you through the modules, raising consiousness, accessing ancient wisdom and stepping into your power.

Guided Cosmic Meditations: Powerful meditations designed to connect you with higher dimensions and your star family.

Exclusive Leadership Circle: Access to a private community of New Earth Leaders for collaboration, sharing, and support.


Module 1: Cosmic Origins & Starseed Activation

  • Discover your soul's celestial origins and mission while forging connections with your star family. Awaken your light body, decode galactic symbols, and embody your starseed essence as you journey through dimensions. Develop the skills to establish communication with cosmic beings, including star family, spirit guides, and higher-dimensional entities. Learn essential protection methods and explore the significance of astrological alignments in activating your potential.

Module 2: Cosmic Wisdom & Earth Ascension

  • Channel cosmic guides, commune with Earth spirits, and share profound teachings while understanding multidimensional realities. Align with Earth's shifts, activate planetary grids, and serve as stewards of Gaia. Navigate Earth's ascension process with guidance, harmonising with dimensional shifts and fortifying your energetic boundaries.

Module 3: Global Consciousness Elevation & Visionary Leadership

  • Elevate collective consciousness, anchor divine light codes, and co-create the New Earth. Integrate multidimensional awareness and strengthen collective protection. Lead in the New Earth era, foster community, empower others, and embody multidimensional leadership. Utilize astrology to elevate global consciousness and empower others to align with their cosmic purpose.

Investment is £3333 £1111 (waitlist members only)

Payment plans available. Get on the waitlist, secure your spot for just £333, and pay nothing else until June.

Answer the Call of the Cosmos

This course is not just an educational journey; it's a profound initiation into cosmic leadership. Working with the Arcturians, Sirians, Pleiadians, and the Galactic Federation will transform not only how you view your role in the universe but also how you enact change on Earth.

Cosmic Awakening starts on May 21st and runs until Aug 21st.

The school runs once a year. Doors will not open for another year.

Join the waitlist


1. Who is this course for?

  • This course is ideal for people eager to explore cosmic realms, awaken their true essence, and contribute to humanity's evolution. Whether you're new to spirituality or seasoned in these topics, this course provides a comprehensive journey into astral travel, multidimensional existence, and communicating with cosmic entities.

2. How long is the course?

  • The course spans three transformative months, with each module lasting approximately one month. It offers a condensed yet immersive experience, allowing you to progress at an accelerated pace while integrating the teachings into your life seamlessly.

3. What can I expect to learn from this course?

  • Throughout the course, you'll delve into discovering your cosmic origins, activating your starseed essence, channeling cosmic wisdom, and aligning with Earth's ascension process. Practical techniques for communicating with cosmic beings, navigating astral travel, and energy protection will also be covered extensively.

4. Do I need any prior experience or knowledge to enrol in this course?

  • No prior experience is required to enrol. The course welcomes people at all levels, providing accessible teachings and practices suitable for beginners and experienced spiritual practitioners alike.

5. Is there any support available during the course?

  • Absolutely! You'll receive continuous support during the course, including live Q&A sessions, community forums for interaction, and direct access to instructors for guidance and clarification.

6. How do I access the course materials?

  • All course materials, including videos, guided meditations, and written content, are conveniently accessible through our online learning platform. Upon enrolment, you'll receive exclusive login credentials for seamless access to the course content.

7. Is there a refund policy?

  • Yes, we offer a refund policy within the first two weeks of enrolment if you find the course unsuitable for any reason.

8. Will there be opportunities for interaction with the instructors?

  • Absolutely! Live Q&A sessions and community forums provide ample opportunities for interaction with instructors and fellow participants throughout the course duration.

9. Can I participate in the course with a busy schedule?

  • Certainly! The course is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing you to engage with the materials and participate in live sessions according to your schedule.

10. How can I enrol in the course?

  • Enrolling is simple! Visit our website to register and begin your cosmic journey today.