Quantum manifestation workshop


Ready to reach a higher frequency and manifest a powerful and expansive reality for yourself?

Sign up this free quantum manifestation.

In this meditation, we'll be manifesting our hearts out, shifting our vibration, and living our best lives. And the best part? It's all on me!

With my guidance, you'll learn how to connect with your highest timeline, fifth dimension and more, where manifestation is effortless and abundance flows freely. You'll discover how to shift your vibration and align with your desires. And you'll leave with the tools and skills to keep the manifestation magic going long after the challenge is over.

I'm all about spreading the love, and helping people reach their full potential. That's what life's all about, right? I love helping people because I believe that everyone has the power to create a life they love. And by teaching manifestation, I get to empower people to take control of their reality and live their best lives.

Worth $333, but we’re offering this for FREE.

Meet your coach:

Hey, I’m Betty, founder of The Cosmic Co and channeler, psychic and Life and Business Coach. I’m passionate about helping people find their purpose, manifest money and go after their dreams. I love helping you find your confidence, overcome your limiting beliefs, to help you pursue your passions and live in alignment. That's exactly what I'm doing with my global spiritual business The Cosmic Co. I now use those skills to help guides, practitioners, star seeds and lightworkers. So you reach and help more people we can raise consciousness together!

Here’s what I believe: you have to do the spiritual and practical, to build something you dream about. To create something from nothing, you have to use Quantum shifts, healing old paradigms, and a whole heap of magic.

You are worthy of everything you desire, and it was put in your brain because the universe wants you to have it. Let's work together on getting really clear when your purpose, is and helping you make your dreams come true..

Sign up to get your free meditation!

Client love

  • The coaching not only shifted my mindset around money but also equipped me with practical tools to navigate through my financial journey with confidence and clarity. I now experience a flow of abundance that aligns seamlessly with my values and lifestyle.

    Sophia M

  • I always believed that financial abundance was not in the cards for me. This coaching completely shattered those beliefs and reconstructed my understanding and relationship with money. The astrological insights and energetic alignment strategies have been game-changers, guiding me towards a path of sustainable prosperity while honoring my authentic self.

    Liam T

  • Money has always been a touchy subject for me. We peeled back layers I didn’t realize were obstructing my financial flow. By intertwining human design and cosmic energetics, I've been able to manifest opportunities and wealth in ways that feel inherently 'me'. My career has catapulted to new heights, and I’ve never felt more financially secure and empowered!

    Ava P

  • I was skeptical at first - blending quantum field principles and money seemed so abstract. My health coaching business is not just surviving; it’s thriving! Learning how to navigate through my financial journey using universal principles was the missing link. I've found a balance between making money and making a difference

    Ethan K

  • Expanding my soul biz while maintaining its soul seemed like a distant dream. The course opened my eyes and doors to aligning business growth with my spiritual path. We’re soaring high while staying true to our mission and making $$$.

    Isabella G

  • "Understanding my money blocks was a game-changer. Coaching with Betty didn't just elevate my business; it transformed my entire approach to abundance. I’m no longer just making money; I’m in sync with it!

    Noah S