Your guide to angels and how to work with them

Let’s talk all things angelic. Angels are like the superstars of the spiritual world, the ones who act as the go-betweens between the divine and the mortal realms. Angels are spiritual beings in various religions and belief systems who are believed to serve as intermediaries between the divine and the mortal world. In the Abrahamic religions, angels are often depicted as heavenly beings with wings and halos who serve as messengers of God or guardians of humans.

Archangel Michael

Okay, let's start with the big dog, Archangel Michael. This angel is like the ultimate warrior, the leader of the pack and the protector of the faithful. He's like the ultimate superhero, with wings and a weapon, ready to save the day. In the Abrahamic religions, he's known for his strength, courage, and bravery. And let me tell you, he's not just all brawn, he's got brains too, often depicted as the leader of the angelic armies and the one to call on when you need some protection. He's like the ultimate guardian angel, and in the Christian tradition, he's even considered a patron saint of soldiers, so you know he's got some serious street cred.

This angel is like the ultimate protector of the people of Israel and defender of the faith. Not only that, he's also the patron saint of the sick and the one to call on when you need some healing or protection. He's like the ultimate guardian angel. And let me tell you, it's not just the Jewish tradition that reveres him, he's a big deal in many other religions and belief systems too. He's often depicted as a powerful and benevolent being who acts as a protector and guide to those who call upon him. He's like the ultimate wingman, always got your back.

Alright, let's talk about Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of God. This angel is like the ultimate go-between, the one who delivers the important messages from the divine to the mortals. He's like the ultimate postman, but for spiritual stuff. He's well-known in many religions and belief systems and is often depicted as a powerful and benevolent being who acts as a guide between the divine and mortal worlds.

In the Christian tradition, he's best known for being the messenger who announced the birth of Jesus to Mary. In the Islamic tradition, he's the one who revealed the Quran to the prophet Muhammad. He's like the ultimate messenger and advisor, always delivering important messages and giving guidance.

Many traditions revere him as a protector and guide, and he's often invoked for guidance, wisdom, and understanding. He's also associated with the element of water and is sometimes depicted with wings and carrying a staff or rod. Archangel Gabriel is revered as a powerful and benevolent being in many religions and belief systems, and is often depicted as a messenger and guide to those who call upon him. He's like the ultimate spiritual advisor, always ready to give a helping hand.

Archangel Raphael

Now, onto Archangel Raphael, the ultimate healer and protector. This angel is like the ultimate health insurance, the one who's got your back when you're feeling under the weather. He's well-known in many religions and belief systems and is often depicted as a powerful and benevolent being who acts as a guide between the divine and mortal worlds.

In the Jewish tradition, he's the one who helped Tobit, a blind man, to regain his sight and find his way home. In the Christian tradition, he's the patron saint of travelers, and the one to call on when you need protection and guidance on your journeys. He's like the ultimate travel agent but for spiritual stuff.

Many traditions also associate him with the element of air, and he's sometimes depicted with wings and carrying a staff or rod. He's revered as a powerful and benevolent being who serves as a healer and protector to those who call upon him. He's like the ultimate guardian angel, always ready to heal and protect.

Archangel Uriel, is the ultimate guardian and protector. This angel is like the ultimate security guard, always on duty to keep you safe. He's well-known in many religions and belief systems and is often depicted as a powerful and benevolent being who acts as a guide between the divine and mortal worlds.

In the Jewish tradition, he's the one who guards the secrets of God and protects the tree of life. In the Christian tradition, he's the patron saint of repentance and the one to call on when you need guidance and direction on the path to redemption. He's like the ultimate spiritual counselor, always there to guide and protect.

Many traditions also associate him with the element of fire, and he's sometimes depicted with wings and carrying a staff or rod. He's revered as a powerful and benevolent being who serves as a guardian and protector to those who call upon him. He's like the ultimate guardian angel, always ready to keep you safe and guide you to the right path


Cherubim are not just some cute little winged creatures, they are a class of powerful and fierce angels. They are mentioned in various religious texts and traditions, including the Bible and the Qur'an, and are revered as powerful and benevolent beings who serve as intermediaries between the divine and the mortal world.

According to various religious texts and traditions, Cherubim are often depicted as being beautiful and radiant, with wings and halos, but don't let their appearance fool you, they are fierce protectors and guards. They are often depicted as guarding the entrance to the Garden of Eden in the Bible, and are mentioned in the Qur'an as being responsible for carrying the throne of God.

In many traditions, Cherubim are also associated with the element of air, and are sometimes depicted with wings and carrying musical instruments. They are not just here to entertain you, they are revered as powerful and benevolent beings who serve as guardians and protectors to those who call upon them. They are fierce protectors, ready to defend you at all times.


Seraphim, the ultimate celestial beings of light and love. These angels are like the ultimate diva, beautiful, and radiant, with wings and halos, and always associated with love, joy, and beauty. They are mentioned in various religious texts and traditions, including the Bible and the Qur'an, and are revered as powerful and benevolent beings who act as intermediaries between the divine and the mortal world.

According to various religious texts and traditions, Seraphim are often depicted as being closest to God and serving as his attendants or messengers. In the Bible, they are mentioned as surrounding the throne of God and singing his praises. They are like the ultimate backup singers, always singing the praises of God.

In many traditions, Seraphim are also associated with the element of fire and are sometimes depicted with wings and carrying musical instruments. They are not just there to entertain you, they are revered as powerful and benevolent beings who serve as celestial beings of light and love to those who call upon them. They are like the ultimate spiritual therapists, always ready to spread love and light.

Your Guardian Angel

You've got a guardian angel who's dedicated to your spiritual growth, and they are not here to play games. Their mission is to serve, guide and protect you while helping you along your spiritual path, and they take that job seriously.

Your guardian angel is like your own personal spiritual bodyguard, always by your side, ready to jump into action when needed. They are exclusively devoted to you and have unconditional love for you.

Archangels may work with everyone, but your guardian angel is all yours, and they won't interfere with your life without your permission unless it's a life-threatening situation before it's your time to leave your body. So, don't worry, they won't be messing with your free will, but they are always on call and ready to help you when you need it. They're like your own personal spiritual hotline, you just have to call.

How do you know when you’ve met an angel?

They're not exactly the type to blend in with the crowd. They're like the ultimate supernatural being, so they're bound to stand out in some way. Plus, they're typically depicted as having wings, halos, and a radiant glow, so that's a pretty big hint. But honestly, it's not just about the physical appearance, it's the feeling you get when you're around them. They have a certain energy, a certain aura that just screams "I'm not from this world." And if all that isn't enough, they'll probably have a way of making you feel at ease, like you're in the presence of something pure and good. So, trust your instincts and you'll know when you've met an angel.

They're celestial beings, so they have their own way of communicating with us. They're like the ultimate telepathic beings, they can send messages straight to your mind and heart. But just because they're not using a phone, it doesn't mean they're not communicating. They can make their presence known in a variety of ways, like sending signs, symbols, or even through dreams. They can also communicate through nature, like birds, animals, or even the wind. And let's not forget about intuition, that gut feeling that tells you what to do. That's them talking to you too. So, don't be surprised if you don't hear a voice or get a message in a bottle, angels have their own way of communicating with us, it's just a matter of being open to receive it.

If you want to start communicating with those angelic guides of yours, it's time to introduce yourself to your guardian angel. Find a quiet spot, get comfortable and close those eyes. Take a deep breath and let it out, that's it, nice and easy. Now it's time to silently send out the request to your guardian angel to reveal their name to you.

Now, get yourself into that relaxed state, whether it's through meditation, visualization or any other method you use to get calm, centered and connected to the Universe. Show your guardian angel that you're ready to listen, they'll appreciate the effort. And who knows, you might just get a name, or even more, in return.

You can call upon any of them to ask for protection and guidance in a way such as:

Dear Angels, I call upon you to guide and protect me. I ask for your help in navigating through the challenges and difficulties in my life. Please surround me with your loving and healing energy, and guide me to the path of peace and happiness. I trust in your love and wisdom, and I know that with your help, I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way. Please be with me now and always, and help me to remember that I am never alone. Thank you for your constant guidance and protection.


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