January horoscopes

By: Nivi (that awkward witch) on Instagram and Woo Woo

A very happy new year to all the lovely souls reading this! If it doesn’t feel like a new year, then that’s because energy doesn’t start anew. Energy simply continues to flow, waiting for us to maneuver it in our chosen direction. The year begins with this sentiment of being in the driver’s seat of our life. The Sun in Capricorn makes us feel extra determined to achieve our goals. However, the Mercury retrograde reminds us that no matter how strong-willed we are, some things are beyond our control. It pushes us to go with the flow of the confusion for a little while longer before we gain control of the wheel again. Soon after the year begins, Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd, empowering us to embody our eccentric selves. The Saturnian start to the year is softened by the full moon in Cancer on the 6th. It allows us to swim in our emotions; perhaps even drown a little. It is the time to release the baggage of the previous year and welcome the upcoming year with an open heart. Perhaps the most awaited transit of this month: Mars goes direct on the 12th, putting an end to the disturbance and restlessness of the retrograde. This retrograde taught us the value of patience and slowing down. Mercury follows Mars’ footsteps and goes direct on the 18th, leaving behind the petty arguments and inconvenient delays. With the post-shadow period of both retrogrades still looming over us, it is important to use this time to reflect on the lessons we learnt and integrate them into our life. A new season starts on the 20th with the Sun entering Aquarius, followed by the new moon in Aquarius on the 21st. This is a period that inspires us to be honest with ourselves about our goals for the year. It asks us to leave conventions behind and chart a course on our true path. It pushes us towards being our most authentic selves without any fear of judgement. The month ends on a whimsical note with Venus entering Pisces on the 26th, initiating a period of mysticism and serenity. 


The year begins with Venus entering Aquarius on the 2nd. Show some more love to your friends because they will reciprocate the energy tenfold. Start the year by putting yourself out there: even more than you usually do. Take every chance you can to bring up your work and who knows, maybe you’ll land some unexpected opportunities. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th may make you extra nostalgic or even homesick. Use this energy to honour your ancestors while reflecting on your family’s patterns and dynamics. Valuable information lies within patterns. Mars goes direct on the 12th so you may notice your confusing or chaotic conversations getting more mature. There will be a deeper sense of understanding and clarity. With Mercury going direct on the 18th, your career will gain more momentum. Things may start off slow as the post-shadow period for both Mercury and Mars ends on February 1st. Even so, you will begin to get your inspiration back. Your dreams will feel more tangible once the Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st is the perfect time to make a game plan for the year. Be extra intentional with your ambitions. By the end of the month, you may be pushed to go into hermit mode. The best inspiration comes from within the stillness of our mind. Any confusion about your life path will get cleared when you turn off the external noise. 


You may start off the year questioning…everything. Something about the passage of time makes us quite existential. Even so, you will get the urge to push through the unreal feeling and get real about your long-term goals as Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd. Do not allow external expectations to defer you from your path. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th can make you feel extra sensitive about people’s words. Try not to take things personally and be compassionate with yourself. After Mars goes direct on the 12th, you may notice more flow of cash and less blockages in the financial aspects of life. You could even find it easier to form long-lasting habits that benefit you. Remember that existential crisis? As Mercury goes direct on the 18th, you will gain more clarity about the direction of your life and the values you want to carry with you. The Sun entering Aquarius on the 20th is the perfect time to start implementing your values into the plan for your career. The inner turmoil about your purpose will only lessen as time passes. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st provides an opportunity to initiate the plans you made. Once the ball is rolling on its own, don’t continue to push it. Allow opportunities to enter your life once Venus enters Pisces on the 26th.


Perhaps this year started a little heavy. Expect this energy to become lighter when Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd. You may re-discover your love for learning. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th is a great time to make this learning into a habit that enriches and recharges you. The extremely niche and peculiar topics that interest you are the perfect place to start! Not that you have to, but the knowledge you gain during this period could lead to a potential source of extra income. Mars is finally going direct on the 12th so you can expect your inner chaos to lessen. It may not end, but rather transform into extra energy. Like a turbine converts heavy winds into electricity. You may feel this energy more prominently when Uranus goes direct on the 22nd. Even Mercury goes direct on the 18th, bringing more clarity about navigating your triggers. You may have to dive deeper to find these triggers but once you do, healing can commence. Wade through the knowledge you gained about yourself in the past few weeks to solve the puzzle of self. The Sun entering Aquarius will brighten the path of learning you undertook when the year began. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st provides the perfect opportunity to ponder upon the beliefs that drive you. What is the foundation that your career will be built upon? The effort you put into your work will get rewarded once Venus enters Pisces on the 26th.


This year may have started with some rain: whether that was money or tears. Both kinds of rain will possibly be increasing and that’s a good thing! Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd so you can expect to get money from sources you didn’t expect! All your crying is much needed to detox the last year from your system. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th provides you with the chance to clean your emotional slate. Release those burdens that you’ve been carrying. Close the photo album and begin a new one! Mars goes direct on the 12th and reduces all the sleep disturbances you have been facing. The overthinking spirals that were plaguing you will get less frequent. Another good news: Mercury goes direct on the 18th! The business matters that were on hold or facing conflict will start to move more smoothly. The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th, starting a season of deep inner transformations that will take you closer to your best self. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st is the time to ‘choose’ the version of yourself you wish to be this year; to choose the destination of this transformational journey


You may begin the year with a heightened concern for your health.

As you form routines that enrich your physical health, make sure that your mental health isn’t overlooked. Your relationships are highlighted when Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd. You’re not a detached person so ensure that you’re not coming off that way either. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th is a deeply spiritual yet possibly isolating time for you. Revelations and epiphanies will flow through once you allow yourself to be truly alone. You may feel out of place in the beginning but if there is one place you truly belong, its within your soul. Conflicts with friends will start resolving when Mars goes direct on the 12th. You will begin to understand each other’s perspectives and come to a peaceful conclusion. Your enthusiasm towards your ambitions will return. Once Mercury goes direct on the 18th, your productivity will flow more smoothly. Any delays at work will start getting clear. The Sun entering Aquarius on the 20th shines a spotlight on your business ventures. It will become easier to find solutions to problems that have been holding your business back. Use the full moon in Aquarius on the 21st to form an innovative business strategy. You may be feeling extra close to your loved ones during this time. Do not be shy about the ones you love most and showcase your affection. 


Perhaps your year didn’t start off the way you expected. It is possible to salvage some joy by doing the things you loved as a child. Even a moment of light can help you see the path forward. It may have felt like the hard work you were putting into your career was going nowhere. However, you will begin to reap the rewards of your toil once Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th can provide the opportunity you were searching for: a chance to actualize your dreams and move closer to your goals. This opportunity may come in the form of advice from a loved one or a realization right before you sleep. Be open to guidance, no matter the source. Mars goes direct on the 12th, thus reducing the restlessness about your career. You will be able to work more calmly yet energetically, gaining momentum in the right direction. As Mercury goes direct on the 18th, you will find yourself spending more time with your hobbies. These passion projects may even start contributing to your income. When the Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, your focus will shift towards incorporating all your endeavours in your daily routine. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st provides a chance to come up with an innovative system; one that combines your hobbies and your career into a well-rounded routine. Venus enters Pisces on the 26th, commencing a period of more cooperation and affection in your close relationships. 


Your home life may feel extra stressful as the year begins. However, Venus entering Aquarius on the 2nd provides a welcome distraction. Allow your hobbies and passion projects to distract you from the heaviness at home, not the other way around. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th is an emotional time, one where you reflect on the legacy you wish to leave behind. Get extremely honest about how you want to be remembered, letting go of any external expectations. Go as deep as possible into your soul for the answers. If you’ve been feeling like everything is meaningless, there is some good news! Mars goes direct on the 12th, giving you a new zeal for existence. Soon after, Mercury goes direct on the 18th, making the waters at home a lot calmer. Expect more clarity on ways to solve conflicts: both petty and serious. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, greatly shifting your focus from family drama to your passion projects. They’re not mere distractions anymore; but rather a source of purpose. Use the new moon in Aquarius on the 21st to collect your scattered thoughts. Choose the creative endeavours you wish to prioritize and make a rough plan on how to go about them. Once Venus enters Pisces on the 26th, your hobbies carry the potential to transform into a source of (possibly steady) income!


The year possibly began with some delays. Travel plans may have been altered at the last moment or simply cancelled. When Venus moves into Aquarius on the 2nd, you will realize that these changes were for the best. Staying at home will start yielding unexpected opportunities and even provide a sense of comfort. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th is the perfect time to meditate on the foundation of your beliefs. Expect emotional realizations regarding your purpose in this life. Mars going direct on the 12th gives rise to a period of greater clarity regarding your emotional triggers. You will face fewer obstacles when trying to understand yourself and your patterns. Once Mercury goes direct on the 18th, the previously delayed plans will start moving smoothly. You may even find it easier to express yourself. The people around you will understand you better and even deeper. The Sun entering Aquarius on the 20th sheds light on your sense of safety within your home. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st provides a chance to modify your self-care practices. Brainstorm innovative ways to nurture yourself and make yourself feel safer. Re-create practices from your childhood that evoke a sense of tranquillity.


If there is anyone that is trying to form nourishing and sustainable habits this year, it’s you. Be patient with yourself as you try to implement these changes into your routine. Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd, making you more comfortable expressing your endearing quirks. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th provides a safe space to dive deep into your psyche and unlearn your fear of rejection. Remind yourself that your true self is worthy of appreciation. The conflicts in your relationships will start subsiding when Mars goes direct on the 12th. The unnecessary misunderstandings will cease, and the built-up tension will disperse. Mercury goes direct on the 18th, dissolving any blockages with money and increasing the flow of cash. Your innovative ideas have the potential to become a source of income, give it a try! The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, starting a period of profound expression. You will be brimming with ideas. Do not dismiss them simply because they seem unconventional. Share them with pride, and recognition will follow. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st asks you to convey your appreciation to your loved ones in a way they identify. Ensure that your odd ways of showing love are received in the way you intend! There will be a greater sense of harmony at home when Venus enters Pisces on the 26th.


This year starts off bright! Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd, bringing opportunities that will lead to a steady income. Believe that you deserve them and embody your confident self in all your endeavours. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th illuminates the areas in your relationships that require more softness. Tough love needs to be balanced with warmth so that it doesn’t become too cold. Mars goes direct on the 12th, making it easier to form a productive routine that fits all your responsibilities. The inertia will start to drift away, and you will feel more motivated to complete your tasks on time. Expect more clarity on the overall direction of your work when Mercury goes direct on the 18th. You may even find it easier to speak your mind and get your point across concisely. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, establishing a period of forming more well-rounded habits. Use the new moon in Aquarius on the 21st to make a list of practices that allow you to incorporate more rest into your routine. Set the intention to prioritize self-care along with your duties. Re-instil the belief that you deserve rest because you do. Venus enters Pisces on the 26th, giving you a chance to explore your poetic side. Don’t hold back on the sweet words; sometimes they’re all you need!


The year may have started with a deep reflection on the previous year’s lessons. Be compassionate with yourself as you make your way through the assortment of wisdom. Allow for some solitude to let the insight come through. Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd, inviting a (possibly drastic) change in appearance to embody the new energy. Ensure this change is intentional, even if it’s impulsive. The full moon in Cancer on the 6th allows you to muse over your desire to be of service. Mediate on ways to nourish others, while continuing to show up for yourself. Reflect on instances where you chose others over you and begin the process of self-forgiveness. Mars goes direct on the 12th, and you may notice that your creative spark has returned. Any brain fog will dissipate and give way to vivid new ideas. You will gain greater clarity on the past year’s teachings when Mercury goes direct on the 18th. It will become easier to integrate the lessons into your daily life. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, emphasizing the need to express yourself more authentically. Accept any shifts in perspective about your own self. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st offers a chance to set intentions about your purpose this year. Ensure that your goals encapsulate what truly lies within your soul.


You may have started the year being extremely enthusiastic about your ambitions. Hold on to this optimism. Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd, bringing more harmony to your inner world. It will be easier to speak gently with yourself and find beauty within the crevices of your mind. You will be able to channel this beauty into art during the full moon in Cancer on the 6th. Allow the melody of your soul to echo through your creations. It is possible that deep-rooted memories of childhood are unearthed during this process. Handle them with compassion and acceptance. Treat this like a ritual of healing the inner child. Mars goes direct on the 12th, significantly reducing the verbal conflicts at home. The atmosphere within your home will start feeling lighter. Mercury going direct on the 18th will provide greater clarity on your goals for the upcoming year. The fog will be lifted, and you will be able to map out your plans with ease. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th and will shine light onto the subconscious behavioural patterns that hold you back. Retreat from the world to uncover the roots of your fears and begin the healing process. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st provides the opportunity to establish spiritual practices that enrich you. Even simple rituals can enchant your daily life. Pay attention to your dreams for valuable insight. Venus enters Pisces on the 26th, pushing you to embody your most ethereal self. 


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