Aquarius season is here!
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
This year might have started off all serious and focused on achieving goals and all that practical stuff, thanks to Capricorn season. But by the time you realize a new year is in full swing, it's time to let loose and embrace the future with open arms! It's time to welcome Aquarius season, baby starting on January 20, 2023 and ends February 18, 2023.
Aquarius season is led by the fixed air sign and ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, electricity, and innovation. As the sun moves through the sign of the Water Bearer, our perspective becomes more humanitarian, community-oriented, and possibly a bit eccentric and contrarian.
Looks like we're finally out of the retrograde misery, folks! With Mars and Mercury finally movin' forward by the time Aquarius season starts, you'll feel like mid-January is the real start of the year. And as if to emphasize that point, the Aquarius new moon falls on January 21, just a day after the sun shifts into the sign of the Water Bearer. It's like the universe is givin' us a big ol' cosmic high-five. And if that wasn't enough, Venus, the planet of relationships, is gonna team up with Saturn, the planet of commitment, in the fixed air sign. So, you can expect some extra harmonious and hardworking energy to help you stick to any progressive game plan you come up with. In other words, it's time to get your sh*t together!
Uranus, the rebel planet, goes retrograde every year for about five months, and it's been movin' backward through the fixed earth sign Taurus since Aug. 24. But finally, on January 22, it's gonna start movin' forward again! That means it's time to take all the internal changes you've made and apply them to your everyday life. And, brace yourself, because it's gonna bring some surprises - for better or worse - and encourage innovation. This energy was turned inward during its retrograde, making this sort of change very self-reflective; now, you can expect it to show up in your world. In other words, it's time to get ready for some shakin' things up!
You'll be more inclined to say goodbye to the “must-dos" of the past month or even past year and go out on your own. This season is all about celebrating your individuality, contributing and collaborating, and paving your own quirky path. So, let's get weird!
This is the season for you to embrace your individuality and break free from the norm. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and explore new, uncharted territories.
You'll be feeling extra creative, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there and show off your talents. Whether it's in the arts, music, or technology, it's time to embrace your inner visionary.
But don't forget, Aquarius season is also about community and teamwork. You're not just a lone rebel, you're part of a tribe, so don't be afraid to collaborate with others and make meaningful connections.
In terms of love, you might be feeling a little detached and aloof, but don't let that stop you from experiencing the romance and passion of the season. Take a chance, be open to new experiences and let yourself fall in love with the unexpected.
This year is all about surroundin' yourself with the real deal. The peeps who know you inside and out, and accept you for all your quirks and flaws. Ain't nobody got time for superficial relationships in 2023. We're leaving that nonsense in 2022, thank you very much.
Let's talk about the elephant in the room, shall we? The dreaded humdrum of everyday life. You know, the kind of tasks that make you wanna pull your hair out - doin' the dishes, laundry or grocery shopping. Even the basic necessities like eating and sleeping can feel like a chore. But let me tell you something, don't neglect your physical well-being just because you're busy daydreaming about a new future or figurin' out the secrets of the universe. Eating well, takin' a nap, getting some fresh air, these things ain't gonna distract you from your big ideas, they're gonna make your brain work better.
And don't even get me started on the job front. You're gonna wanna know what's goin' on behind the scenes, so you can take charge of your career like a boss. That might mean takin' that free course your boss recommended, askin' more questions at meetings with the bigwigs, or just takin' a moment to think about how you can contribute more to the team. Trust me, all that extra effort will not go unnoticed by the powers that be.
Overall, Aquarius season is all about embracing your unique, eccentric self, and not being afraid to stand out from the crowd. So, let your freak flag fly and have some fun, it's your season to shine.
Journal prompts for this season:
What are my unique talents and how can I use them to make a positive impact in the world?
How can I think outside the box and challenge my own beliefs and perspectives?
How can I connect with and support my community while still staying true to my individuality?
What are some new and exciting experiences I would like to have this Aquarius season?
How can I best use my natural inclination towards technology and innovation to improve my life and the lives of others?
In what ways can I challenge the status quo and bring fresh ideas to the table?
How can I be open to new forms of love and romance without losing my sense of independence?
How can I use my creativity to express my unique vision and ideas?
How can I balance my desire for freedom and individuality with my responsibilities to my community?
How can I bring a sense of eccentricity and originality to my personal and professional life this Aquarius season?