What it means when you get your period on the new or full moon

I don’t know about you, but I always get my period I want of these two moons, it’s never anything in between. I’m sure there are meanings for the in between, but I wanted to delve into what it means for my energy, life and manifesting when I was getting my period on these two times. More recently it shifted to the new moon side of things, and interestingly I know about five of my female friends who also have their period did exactly the same time, which means that we’re getting on the same day fault. Talking about syncing with your friends. 

For as long as we’ve ever known, women have always had a super strong attraction to the moon, because of its representation of the divine feminine.

We hold moon circles, to connect under the power of the moon. We leave our crystals out, and we try to take photos of it like our iPhones will ever do it justice. But seriously why is it always so smol on the photo?! 

Anyways, back to the moon and periods and syncing. On a personal note, my period is always been such a hard time, it’s incredibly painful, I can barely sit down, I can’t really wear anything with an elastic band around the waist and that will put pressure on it, and sometimes I need to take up to 12 ibuprofens a day, which is really not good for your liver. I’m going to be testing for endometriosis soon, so I’ve never really treated my period as the sacred thing that it is. And I think that part of healing that is going to be in looking at it as a sacred feminine sanctuary. Which is effing hard when it just hurts like a bish, to be honest. But this is the first step in doing that.

Anyway so here is what it means in more detail for you:

New moon 🌙 - white moon cycle 

So the new moon is always seen as a time for introspection, and going into your inner world and being guided by there in a knowing. Which I think is actually something we should all be doing around this time anyways. But if you get your period around this time, it’s certainly a reminder to utilise the winter of our cycle, in conjunction with the new moon to go in words and ask ourselves what we need, how are the people around us, what is the state of energy, and using that to draw upon to understand where we really want to be going in the next 30 days.

It’s time to put some serious self-care practices in, so as well as the above is going in words, ask yourself what do you need at this moment? And journal on that. Self-care is more than just bath, it’s actually doing it with crystals - BUT, joking aside, self-care could look like withdrawing from people that are not giving you the same energy as you’re giving them, putting boundaries in place, spending more time resting, and out with nature and really embarking on investing in the growth of your own energy and electromagnetic field so that you’re not looking externally for validation or energy.

Get in touch with your spirit guides, do a monthly Tarot read, and really understand both from yourself and your spiritual squad what are you need and where you’re going in the next 30 days. This is a time for you, a time to be amongst your own energy and let’s face it - that’s a great time indeed. 

Full moon 🌕 - red moon cycle 

If you’re in sync with the full moon, then this is all about the power of creation. Both for you and the collective. It’s a time of manifesting, and getting super clear on what you want and what you want to bring about. There is also power for manifesting for the collective, and doing so also means that your personal manifestations will have an extra vibrancy to them.

There’s more of an external focus, with a full moon bleed, a focus on healing the collective and using teachings to work with people to raise consciousness. If you get your period on the full moon, then you’ll be amongst some of the shamans and healers over the ages who had their period in the red moon cycle. Mentoring others, holding circles to heal and share cosmic knowledge oral within your power if you bleed at this time of the month.

It’s a time to be expressing yourself and sharing your creativity with the world. Channel what the world needs to hear, from your guys and express this through the medium that you have the most fun with, will be writing or acting or filmmaking or art or poetry, anything that likes you up, doing this during this phase is a potent way to share your magic with the world.

And PSA: if you’re not in sync with The Moon, it doesn’t mean a single goddamn thing. Don’t let this be a statement of anything. Your cycle is still secret to you, even if it does hurt, and means that you’re gonna eat a lot more chocolate than usual.

Written by Betty


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