Mercury Retrograde tarot spread

Look, we know Mercury gets a bad rap for effing up your life, and shaking things up, and well that's true to some degree. But, remember that you're the one that really holds the power and it depends on the position of mercury in your natal chart. That's why each mercury retrograde affects people in different ways. Additionally, all planets go retrograde at one point or another.

You can actually use this time to your advantage, so here's our guide to a few ways that you can use this to live your best life.

It's time to get conscious about how you're spending your time, and bring more balance into it. If you've been working too much or socialising too much (hello Monday happy hours!), Libra encourages you to bring more balance to that in your life.

Libra is all about relationships, so it's time to look at the people around you. Are they lifting you up? Do you feel happy around them more than you don't? And if you're going through a bad time that doesn't seem to end, it might be time to re-evaluate who has access to you

Virgo vibes are all about the detail, looking things over twice, having a schedule and bringing practicality into things. If that's not your strong suit then get somebody to help you with this. It's going to make your life so much better.

There's a lot of emotion during this transit, so useless tarot spread to guide you and get advice on what you need to know right now.


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