The lowdown on Libra

Born between September 23rd and October 22nd, this sign is all about getting the balance right, which is it is represented by the scales. A lot of people are of the opinion that Libras cannot make up their minds, but it is quite the opposite - Libras are good at seeing things from all sides, which is a very good skill indeed, and so they analyse all areas before coming to adjust and fair conclusion. Which is the very opposite of not being able to make up your mind.

Because of this great skill, and a love for people, most Libras make great leaders because they consider the angles and opinions of all people, before coming to a fair conclusion. Design is not one that is ruled by ego, but instead Venus which is the planet of love and relationships. This goes far beyond romantic relationships, the rather considers the power in authentic and powerful relationships, both personally and professionally.

Speaking of Venus - she shines bright for Libra. She brings in a love of all things beautiful, which is also a clever way to attract and work with the right people. Humans respond to beauty, both in feeling and aesthetics - which helps Libra build powerful partnerships. Like a honey to bees, Libra may sometimes appear like they only care of the shallow level, but there are many deep currents with this one, rippling out further with impact to benefit themselves and those around them. 

Libras will always choose their words carefully, because the know the importance of them. They also know the importance of diplomacy, which helps them navigate most circumstances with ease (even if it doesn’t always feel comfortable for them).

It can be a common mistake to think that libra is out oing, because they appear to be good with people. What they are good at is the illusion of extroversion, and just because somebody is good with people, it does not mean that that is the thing that they always enjoy and just because social skills maybe if I order, it also does not mean that this is the Libras’ first and only priority.

We're gonna be honest, Libra does like a good time, but not all of the time, because they are the sign of balance after all but they really do not like conflict and they are all about trying to do anything they can to avoid it, even when justice can be involved. However don't expect a Libra to be all love and light, they will contain the way they feel until you push them too far and then they'll explode, and then you'll really experience the Libras’ wrath.


The lowdown on Virgo


How to find and connect with your spirit guides