How to find and connect with your spirit guides

Here at Woo Woo, we are all about meeting and connecting with our guides. And we really want you to have the same exciting experience!

Spirits can get a bad rap, because you know…all the the poltergeist things or things going bump in the night…but that ain't what this spirit guides game is about.

And we all have spirit guides. They are often waiting for us to invite them to help us, and won't intervene without is asking for it. There's all kindsa spirit guides actually, you can have a animals, people that have passed over and have decided to become guys, you can also even have extra terrestrial guides, all beings from other dimensions.

There is no limit to the amount of guides that you can have. And they don't always stay with you for all of your life, some stay with you for moments and some do you hang around for a little bit longer. And the most exciting bit is that they are here to help you, so you can always ask for help whenever you want. It means you're never truly alone.

It’s like having your own spiritual squad or people who have your back. WAHOO. A lot of spirit guides will talk to you by giving you signs, which maybe animals, could be recurring angel numbers like 1111 or 2222 when you're looking at the time or any other circumstances. It could be a song that correlates with a sign that you were looking for or a person that appears in your life with just the right message it just the right time. They’re always talking to us we just have to watch for the signs.

Here’s how you can find and communicate with them:

1) Find a quiet space, where you won’t be interrupted

2) Best way to connect with people in the spirit realm, is to meditate, so breathe in and out 10 times and do it deeply and really get into a quiet relaxed space

3) The next thing you're going to do is imagine yourself walking into a forest where everything is really green and beautiful and lush. Look up on around you and really get into the feeling of being in this beautiful space I want you to really visualise the leaves and all of the light coming in through the trees, then I want you to imagine that you're looking up and you can see the sky, and you look ahead of you and there's a clearing and it's got all of this beautiful light falling into it, and then I want you to say out loud “spirit guides I am ready to meet you now, I am ready to be guided and I welcome and surrender to your guidance”

4) I want you to see who emerges, you may see shapes or you may feel someone there. There's also every chance that you are going to see your guys, how exciting is that? When you see your guide, or feel someone that really just acknowledge what that presents feels like, make a note in your journal of the words that encompass the feelings that you feel and I want you to come back to that after this event to just really get into the frequency of your spirit guides.

5) And you may have questions for your guides, you can ask them their names, but know that they may not reveal them to you just yet.

6)Aask your guides the questions that you need to ask them, and see if you hear or feel anything in response. Then thank you guys for showing up say how nice it was to meet them and ask them questions when you need to hear from them in the future.

7) There are a few ways to ask them questions going forwards - asking a question your journal and then automatic writing (without thinking about it) and see what comes through. You can also ask questions and see what visions or pictures you get in your third eye. Another way is to use tarot and pendulums.

8) And as mentioned, always be on the lookout for science from your spirit guides, once you invite them to talk to you, they'll be all kinds of signs and ways that they're trying to get your attention. And normally for your higher good.

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