The lowdown on Virgo

Virgos are born between August 23rd and September 22nd and is an earth sign, which means they’re very grounded, lovely humans.

If you want something doing, then a Virgo is the perfect one to go with. This organiser of the cosmos, absolutely loves a methodical approach to life and business. They can sometimes mask their procrastination with perfectionism, they like to be in so much control because often other people are not and it stresses them the off out. These patient ponies are great teachers, because they see the best in people, which means they can wait things out a lil more than other signs.

Virgos are used to being in charge, because they really do have their shiz together and they're both super reliable, and Hello practical. But don't be fooled by this out with demeanour, they're also really big softy at heart, and really do have a caring underside that they're not going to show you unless you get close to them. You have to earn that level of access.

A Virgo will  effort to get to know their your interests and mind, they want to know what makes you tick and what lights you up. Virgos are super curious and love to know all about the underlying behaviours of their friends, and partners. Because they love to be around people and they do see the best in people, don't worry if you feel like this something you need to hide, because the chances are that are Virgos only gonna see the best of you anyways.

But wowweeeee, do Virgos use a lot of mental energy. It can often keep them up at night with their over thinking. Which is why meditation, affirmations and tapping is great for this sign, to help reprogram their brain.

This analytical ability, and critical thinking means that they can see situations from angles the other people couldn't even contemplate. This makes the great business people and employees, often using these for your extension weighted mental capabilities in order to really make a huge impact for everybody they work with.

But the one thing a Virgo really needs? Is to learn how to relax. Make it playful. All work and no play, makes a shiny Virgo very dull. Don't exhaust yourself trying to do all of these things, running through your masculine energy it's very important to learn to balance it with the feminine and flow, and it's this way that you really will bring about your best work, your best energy and your best self.


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