What is the Lions Gate portal and how does it work for manifesting?

Are you ready for the Lions Gate Portal? 🦁

This powerful day, happens with the rising of the star Sirius, which happens this year on August 8. It opens every year when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up and move into alignment with the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. - a very powerful day. 

The numbers 8/8 in  numerology are very special, because it’s a lucky number. 8 is the number of infinity and has the energy of empowerment.  It's a great time for manifesting your dreams and really bringing your divisions to life. This high energy is good for bringing about both your personal and collective manifestations. If we are to move into a higher consciousness as a collective, and take step towards graduating into new earth, then we would highly invite you visualise a better future as a whole, as well as your own manifestations.

Expect fast track growth and big new beginnings. We’ll be ascending hugely as a collectively, but also individually! It’s a great time to go after your dreams.

This energy is all about the heart energy, aligning with Leo energy of boldness, courage and expression!

Some powerful ways to manifest for Lions Gate:

  1. Do a visualisation meditation: spend five minutes just really thinking about what you want from your life and imagine it like you're already there, feel the feelings that you would feel if you're already there, hear the sounds, who would you be with, what would you be doing or what would you look like? And get really detailed on what that feels like.

  2. Journal on what you would like for your life and the reasons behind it, understanding your motivations on a deeper level will help you a line and stay focused on what you want to bring into this will buy for yourself and the collective.

  3. Pull a few Oracle and tarot spread and ask the questions that you need to get guidance on where you want to go, and let the universe answer your

What are you manifesting for the Lions Gate portal and beyond? We would love to hear from you.


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