A beginner’s guide to the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a collection of information stored in our DNA. They contain everything we've ever experienced, seen, heard, felt, thought, done, said, and even dreamed. This knowledge is available for us to use at any time, but only when we're ready to receive it.

What Is An Akashic Record?

Akashic records are a type of energy field that exists within every living thing. It's also known as the Akasha, or "ether," and it contains all the information that makes up who we are. In other words, it's our life story. Think of them as a library or a database of everything that will be all has been, in your life and everyone's lives in all dimensions. Everyone has their own records.

In order to access the Akashic Records, we must first be willing to let go of what we think we know. We must release our ego's attachment to our past experiences, and allow ourselves to open to new possibilities. Once we do this, we'll find that there is much more to life than we could possibly imagine.

Why Do We Need Them Today?

Akashic records help us understand ourselves better and connect with others more deeply. They're a powerful tool for personal growth and healing.

In addition to being able to access past lives, the Akashic Records also provide guidance from the future. Practitioners say that the Akashic Records are like a GPS system for the soul. When we're ready to learn something new, we simply ask for help.

In his book, The Akashic Record, author Gregg Braden explains that the Akashic Records are "the collective consciousness of humanity." He goes on to say that "we are all connected to each other and to the universe via the Akashic Records."

In order to access the Akashic Records, we must first be willing to let go of what we think we know. Once we release our attachment to our past experiences, we open ourselves up to new possibilities.

What happens in an Akashic Records Reading?

During a session, it’s a perfect time to have your burning questions answered. By tapping into your records, you’re opening yourself up to guidance from your highest timeline, and you can ask the questions you’d like to know about any situation. It’s a great way to get some of the answers you need when you’re feeling lost or in need of support/direction.

How do I Open My Own Akashic Record?

To open your own Akashic record, you must first understand how these records work. Each soul has its own unique Akashic Record, which contains everything that happened to them during their lifetime. This includes every thought, emotion, and memory they experienced. It also includes any lessons learned through those experiences.

Where can I find an Akashic Records reading near me?

We’re so glad you asked. There are a few ways that you can do this, including downloading our app when it launches, and there will be lots on there! Including ones that are in your local area. You can visit them in person, but the reading works just as much online, through a call on zoom.  And is equally as powerful!


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