The beginner’s guide to a spiritual awakening

This is your spiritual awakening guide, a low down of exactly what happens when you’re going through your first or second spiritual awakening. Don’t worry, we’ve got you, because we have been through it.

What is a spiritual awakening?

A Spiritual Awakening is an important part of life that many people experience at different times in their lives. It's when you realize that there is something bigger than yourself, and that you're connected to all living things.

Spiritual awakenings can happen on purpose or by accident, it may be something huge happened in your life to completely change your perspective, or you may have been asking the universe for answers to questions that you've been contemplating for a long time.

For many people, their spiritual awakening can be triggered by an out-of-body experience, where you get to experience different dimensions outside the third one you’re used. And once you see that? There’s no coming back. It changes things for always and there’s a huge shock which comes with that. But? It also offers deep insight into how the different layers, merge and separate.

But on the plus side? It can also help you to finally connect to your higher self,It can also help you to finally connect to your higher self, heal your shadow, heal karmic patterns.

Signs you might be going through a spiritual awakening:

  1. Nothing makes sense anymore

  2. You’re disconnected from reality

  3. You’re not friends with the people you used to know

  4. You feel out of it and not sure what happened

  5. You have a sense of universal connection - that we are all connected on some level and there is more to reality than just what we can see

  6. You have an intuitive knowing and can see straight through to the truth of everything

What happens after a spiritual awakening?

After your awakening, you're still gonna be the same person. You may feel differently about things, you may be seeing things differently, but it often takes more of a journey to start seeing yourself definitely. It's not a miracle cure for anything that has happened in your life, but rather a wider periphery of the different realities, dimensions and truths that are being unveiled to you.

After the spiritual awakening, once you've gone through a lot of fear and asking what the eff is happening to your life, there's actually a big sense of excitement and exhilaration. It's in the world in a completely new way, and the layers have been peeled back. While this might be scary to begin with, there's a lot that's really fine about it. It is also worth noting though that this excitement isn't going to last forever. So it's really important to then take a sense of curiosity and discovery about everything. Look at what you want to learn more about, whether it's numerology, astrology tarot or healing, there's a whole world out there for you to discover in many more dimensions than you realised. We never even touched on aliens here yet… That's a whole other subject.

But the point is to deepen your connection to yourself, the Universe and everything. Coming to know that you create your own reality and that a lot of the external world is a reflection of your internal world.

You could even take strategic action towards this, be led by your intuition, but communicate to the universe what it is that you want to learn, the areas you're curious about and then follow those curiosities through events people and situations.

You're going to start feeling like a lot of things make more sense, as well as finding and connecting with people that are going through similar experiences. That's the beauty of shedding your old skin, of your old life behind, you attract new experiences and people that are aligned with your higher timeline.

There are so many books out there to help and you and workshops, which can guide you on the different elements to normalise what you’re going through.

How Can I Help Others Awaken?

If you've ever felt like you were living in a dream world, then you might be ready to awaken. You might feel like you're stuck in a rut, unable to move forward with your life. Maybe you're feeling depressed, anxious, or sad. Or maybe you're having trouble sleeping. These feelings are common signs that you're ready to wake up.

When we awaken spiritually, we become aware of our connection to everything around us. We see the world differently, and we understand that we are one with all living beings. In order to help others awaken, we must first be awakened ourselves. The best way to do this is to practice gratitude. By being grateful for what we already have, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences.


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