Cosmic breakdown: what the new moon in Libra means for you

This new moon is happening in Venus-centered Libra, which is all about relationships, balance and equality (among many things).

It's the time to take stock of everything in your life and look up where are you maybe playing too hard or too much in one area. You might be overworking and now is the time to add some relaxation into your schedule. Or maybe the opposite is true. Libra is all about the scales and balance, and this new moon would ask you to have the intention to bring more harmony to your life.

Libra is also about relationships and partnerships, so look at how those around you are affecting you in your life. Are they bringing you good or bad vibes? Your reality is created by who you are, and what you're feeling at that current point. You may also want to be manifesting new relationships into your life, whether from a business side, career or romantic and platonic. 

The new moon is a perfect time to communicate with the universe who or what you want to manifest into your life, to bring your highest vibration and balance into your life.

Uncover your beliefs beyond some of the situations in your life, with our journal prompts. Always a beautiful way to see what your subconscious is holding:

Journal prompts for the new moon:

  1. Where have I been out of balance in my life? 

  2. What is causing this imbalance? 

  3. What am I hoping to bring about in the next 30 days of my life?

  4. Which people bring me the most joy in my life and how can I spend more time with them in the next month? 

  5. Which people and situations don't make me very happy and why?

  6. What areas of myself could use more attention and love?

Ritual for the new moon in Libra:

  1. Do the journaling prompts above

  2. List what you'd like to manifest in the next 30 days and what your intentions are

  3. Run a bath and create a crystal grid around your bath, or even put some of your crystals on top of your body as a base for a very potent energy

  4. Take a bath and centre in on yourself


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