Your guide to Capricorn season

How in the astro did we get to the end of the year and Capricorn szn? Answers on a postcard. We’ve moved out of firey, ambitious Sagittarius szn and it’s a new zone.

During Capricorn season, which falls between December 22 and January 19, people may be more focused on their careers and their long-term goals, and they may be more disciplined and organized in their approach to achieving success. Falling just after the winter solstice period can also be a time when people may be more reserved and traditional, and they may be more inclined to focus on their responsibilities and duties.

Overall, Capricorn is an old soul, who’s focused on creating the grounding for a strong future. It’s a season that is a time for hard work, discipline, and practicality, as well as a focus on long-term goals and success. But don’t you worry, you can also treat yo’self whilst you do it.

Good ol’ Capricorn is an earth sign and is associated with the planet Saturn. It’s a great time for Air signs, to be grounded, as Saturn is known for its disciplined, structured, and responsible qualities, which are also reflected in the personality traits of those born under the sign of Capricorn.

This season, it’s all about being patient and persistent, and willing to put in the time and effort necessary to achieve your goals. Which is perfect timing for the new year.

Naturally, we have a few planets causing mischief in retrograde. Because it wouldn’t be a party otherwise, right? Mars is still retrograde until January 12th and then Mercury gets back in on the action from Dec 29th. As you might remember, Mercury is the planet that rules communication, travel, and commerce, and it appears to move in a backward or "retrograde" motion several times a year (oh the joy!). When Mercury is in retrograde, it can have a destabilizing effect on these areas of life. Which is always fun.

During a Mercury retrograde period, it is common to experience misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, and delays in travel and commerce. So, all the things, basically. It is also a time when it can be difficult to make clear and concise decisions, as the planet's energies are not flowing in their normal, forward direction. Better to just Netflix and chill, whilst letting your manifestations do their work, with the cosmos.

But the bright side? It’s also an opportunity to slow down and review things that may have been overlooked or taken for granted. It is a good time to reflect on past actions and communication and to be extra mindful and clear in one's communication to avoid misunderstandings.

Here are some great journal prompts for the Capricorn season:

What are my current goals and how am I working towards achieving them?

  1. How do I balance my ambition and desire for success with my need for stability and security?

  2. In what ways do I tend to be practical and disciplined, and in what ways do I need to work on these qualities?

  3. How can I better communicate my needs and desires to others, while still being reserved and reserved?

  4. What are some past accomplishments that I am proud of, and how can I build on these in the future?

  5. How can I better manage my time and resources to achieve my goals?

  6. How do I approach challenges and setbacks, and how can I learn from them to grow and improve?

  7. What are some ways that I can bring more balance and stability into my life?

  8. How do I define success for myself, and what steps can I take to work towards it?

  9. In what ways do I need to let go of perfectionism and embrace the imperfections of life?

So, kick back, take stock of the last year and get making plans for the upcoming year. You’ve come so far this year and should be proud of yourself.


January horoscopes


Happy winter solstice! Here’s what it is and how to celebrate it