Your guide to your sun, moon and rising sign

Want to know more about the components of your natal chart? Then you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk you through the triumvirate of your Astro scape.

Sun signs ☀️ 

Let’s talk sun signs shall we? Sun signs are the ones who get all the attention. When you ask someone what their sign is, they normally tell you their sun, because let’s face it, it’s what a lot of us have learned about.

So every month, the sun makes it way into one of the 12 signs, one for each month. When you’re reading your monthly or weekly Horoscope, your sun sign is the one they’re talking about. That’s why people think it’s the main event! 

Sometimes it moves into a sign with a few days difference and if you’re within those few days, you’re what’s called being on “the cusp”, so might have attributes from two different signs. Lucky you. Talk about versatility. 

Sun signs are all about your identity. It’s how you see yourself, your confidence, and your sense of self. It showcases your passions and what drives you. 

Which is all code for your personality. So you’ll see reflections of your core personality when you’re reading your sun sign reading but bear in mind that others aspects of your natal chart also have an impact on this. 

Moon signs 🌙 

Your moon sign is all about your emotional makeup. The sun governs the light side of you and could be considered to be the day time, whilst your moon is akin to the nighttime and shadow self. You’ll see this reflected when you’re feeling disempowered, and operate on a more unconscious level. If your sun sign is all about action, then your moon sign is all about reaction. 

Your moon sign can be your biggest reflection of what you can heal and what privately matters the most to you. 

It’s also your intuition and subconscious operate and shows you a lot of who you are, hidden beneath what you show the world. It’ll give you a clue to how you react to emotional situations and is your mother or maternal energy. 

Rising / ascendant sign ⬆

Your rising sign is what you show the world. It’s what you want them to see of you.

Your rising sign is often completely different from your sun sign, which is why when people are reading others on a first or second basis, can be wrong. In other words, it’s the first impression you make, both in appearance, personality, and energy. 

The sun spends about 30 days in each sign, and the moon spends roughly two and a half days in each sign. The elusive rising sign is so-called because it denotes which sign is on the horizon at the time of birth. But did you know that the rising sign can change every two hours? This is why you need to know your exact time of birth, to get an accurate reading.

So there you have it! Knowing all three of these gives you a 360 look at your makeup, rather than just looking at your sun sign. Go forth and know thyself.


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