Are you coming to our full moon manifestation circle in Leo in Manchester?

Ready to manifest with our first moon circle of the year? Let's use Leo's energy to step into our best lives.

It's time to step into the spotlight of our own lives, to own our desires, and to manifest with courage and confidence. 🦁Think bold intentions, fierce visualisations, and some serious journaling magic.

Join Betty, spiritual teacher and manifestation coach as she leads the circle through a powerful set of exercises and connection points.

Using Leo energy in Aquarius season:

The juxtaposition of Leo's heart-centered approach and Aquarius's intellect-centered energy creates a fiery dynamic. Leo’s passionate and expressive nature can both contrast and complement Aquarius’s more detached and cerebral approach. While Leo is about the individual and personal expression, Aquarius focuses on the collective and social progress.

During Aquarius season, Leo energy can manifest as a drive to stand out in social groups or to use one's creative and leadership abilities for the greater good. It encourages bringing warmth and heart into intellectual debates and social causes. Leo's flair for drama and celebration can add a touch of joy and creativity to the sometimes aloof Aquarian energy.

The agenda for the evening:

  • Welcome & Introduction

  • Greeting and Introduction

  • Overview of Full Moon in Leo Energy

  • Agenda Briefing

  • Opening Meditation & Energy Clearing

  • Centering Meditation

  • Group Energy Clearing Exercise

  • Connection Circle

  • Participant Introductions

  • Sharing Intentions

  • Community Building Activity

  • Leo Energy Discussion

  • Insights on Leo's Characteristics

  • Harnessing Leo Energy for Manifestation

  • Leo and Aquarius Season Balance

  • Guided Visualisation

  • Connecting with Inner Strength

  • Visualization of Goals

  • Journaling Session

  • Articulating Intentions

  • Manifestation Planning

  • Optional Sharing of Insights

  • Manifestation Ritual

  • Conducting a Special Ritual

  • Solidifying Intentions

  • Closing Circle

  • Group Reflection

  • Sharing Gratitude

  • Closing Meditation

What to bring:

  1. Journal and Pen: Essential for jotting down insights, intentions, and reflections. Choose a journal that feels special to you, one that inspires creativity and introspection.

  2. Comfortable Clothing: Wear clothes that make you feel both comfortable and empowered, suitable for sitting in meditation and engaging in any movement activities.

  3. Cushion or Yoga Mat: If the event includes meditation or seated activities, bringing your own cushion or yoga mat can enhance your comfort.

  4. Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is key, especially if you're engaging in activities that involve a lot of energy work or speaking.

  5. Crystals or Personal Tokens: If you're into crystal energy, consider bringing stones that resonate with Leo energy (like Tiger's Eye or Citrine) or Aquarius energy (like Amethyst or Aquamarine). You can also bring any personal item that holds significance to your manifestation intentions.


Manifesting with the Capricorn new moon on 11/1


January astrology forecast: