January astrology forecast:

It's time to dust off those crystals and prepare for an astrological ride that’s spicy as your favourite salsa. January is packing a cosmic punch that’ll have you realigning more than just your chakras. The transition from 2023 to 2024 with Mercury Retrograde going direct is like starting the new year on a high note. It's as if the universe itself is giving us a cosmic thumbs up, signalling a clear path ahead.

Let's dive into what the stars have in store for us, shall we?

January 1: Bye-Bye, Mercury Retrograde!

Raise your glass, because Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is officially over! No more blaming the planets for your texts sent to the wrong person. Communication gets clearer, and life starts to untangle itself. This shift isn't just a relief; it's a powerful symbol of new beginnings. As we step into 2024, the direct motion of Mercury is like a cosmic green light, urging us to proceed with our plans, ambitions, and resolutions without the typical retrograde hiccups. The fog of miscommunication clears, and we can finally move forward with less friction and more clarity. It's a big decluttering, and trust me, it feels good.

January 4: Mars Struts into Capricorn

Mars enters Capricorn, and it's time to channel your inner boss. This transit screams power moves and ambition. Whether you're aiming for a promotion or just trying to get out of bed on time, your drive is about to get as high as your caffeine levels.

January 11: New Moon, New Me

The New Moon in Capricorn isn't just a fresh start; it's a call to action. This is the universe nudging you to set those goals, make those plans, and maybe, just maybe, start that side hustle you've been dreaming about. Dream big, and put those dreams into action!

January 13: Mercury in Capricorn for Round Two

Mercury re-enters Capricorn, and things are getting serious. Think of this as your cosmic board meeting. It's time to talk strategy, long-term plans, and maybe even get a handle on those finances. Adulting, here we come!

January 20: Aquarius Season + Pluto Shakes Things Up

As the Sun waltzes into Aquarius, individuality is in. It’s time to embrace your quirks and love what makes you, you. And with Pluto diving into Aquarius, expect some major shifts in societal norms. It's like the universe is hitting the refresh button.

January 23: Venus in Capricorn - Love on Lock

When Venus enters Capricorn, it’s all about serious relationships and sensible spending. Think of it as the cosmic equivalent of getting your life together. Swipe right on stability and make investments that last longer than your latest Netflix binge.

January 25: Full Moon in Leo - Spotlight’s On You

This Full Moon in Leo is your permission slip to unleash your inner diva. Embrace the drama, the creativity, and the flair. It’s time to strut your stuff and remember – under this moon, everyone's a star.


Are you coming to our full moon manifestation circle in Leo in Manchester?


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