Manifesting with the Capricorn new moon on 11/1

The New Moon in Capricorn presents a unique and powerful opportunity for reflection, goal-setting, and personal growth. In astrology, the New Moon is a time of new beginnings, a moment when the moon is aligned between the Earth and the Sun, its illuminated side facing away from us. This celestial event often symbolizes a clean slate, making it an ideal time for setting intentions and planting the seeds of future endeavours.

Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, is known for its qualities of discipline, responsibility, and practicality. This sign is often associated with ambition, structure, and a strong sense of duty. When the New Moon occurs in Capricorn, these qualities are brought to the forefront, offering a grounding energy that can help us focus on our goals and ambitions with a renewed sense of determination and pragmatism.

This period is not just about dreaming big but also about making a realistic plan to achieve those dreams. The Capricorn New Moon urges us to consider our long-term objectives and to lay down a practical framework for reaching them. It's a time to assess where we are, determine where we want to go, and understand the steps we need to take to get there.

Moreover, the New Moon in Capricorn is a reminder of the importance of balancing ambition with responsibility and hard work with self-care. It encourages us to look at how we can improve our lives not just through external achievements, but also through internal stability and consistency.

Whether you're looking to advance in your career, strengthen your relationships, or embark on a new personal project, the New Moon in Capricorn is an auspicious time to set intentions and commit to the path that will lead you to success and fulfilment.

Why this is good for manifesting:

  1. New Moon Energy: New Moons are traditionally seen as a time for new beginnings. It's like hitting the reset button. This phase is all about setting intentions – you're essentially planting the seeds for what you want to grow in your life. It's a time to focus on what you want to bring into your world.

  2. Capricorn's Influence: Capricorn, being an earth sign, is all about making things happen in the real world. It's not just about dreaming; it's about creating a practical plan to achieve those dreams. This sign is known for its discipline, ambition, and ability to work hard and steadily towards goals. So, when you mix your intentions with Capricorn's energy, you're not just wishing for things; you're setting the stage to actually achieve them.

  3. Power of 1 in Numerology: In numerology, the number 1 represents creation and manifesting. It's about taking initiative and being a leader in your own life. The date 11/1 amplifies this energy, encouraging you to focus on your personal goals and desires. It's a reminder that your thoughts and actions have the power to create your reality.

  4. Alignment of Thought and Action: The combination of the New Moon and the numerological significance of the date creates a powerful alignment between thought (intention) and action (Capricorn's influence). This means that it's an excellent time to not only decide what you want but also start taking the first steps towards getting there.

  5. Manifestation is About Timing: In many spiritual and esoteric traditions, timing is seen as a crucial element of successful manifestation. Aligning your intentions with specific cosmic events, like a New Moon, is believed to enhance the effectiveness of your manifesting efforts. The unique energy of 11/1 adds an extra layer of potency to this timing.

And the date is EXTRA powerful too:

The New Moon in Capricorn happening on 11/1 is like getting a cosmic green light for new beginnings. Think of it as the universe's way of saying, "Go for it!" This date is super interesting because of the whole 11/1 thing – it's like the universe doubling down on fresh starts.

In the world of numerology, the number 1 is all about new opportunities, being your own boss, and taking charge of your life. It's like the universe's pep talk encouraging you to step up and make things happen. And when you see the number 1 popping up a lot, especially in a row like on 11/1, it's often seen as a big nudge to keep your thoughts positive and focused on your goals because your ideas might just turn into reality quicker than you think.

So, when you mix this 'number 1' vibe with the New Moon in Capricorn, which is already all about setting goals and hitting the ground running, it's like a cosmic power-up. Capricorn is that friend who's always got their life together – practical, ambitious, and super disciplined. So this New Moon is the perfect time to sit down, think about what you really want, and then make a solid plan to get there.

It's a special moment where dreaming big and making concrete plans to achieve those dreams gets an extra boost from the stars. It's a day to think about what you want to kickstart in your life, whether it's a new project, a personal goal, or just a fresh approach to something. The universe is giving you a thumbs-up to go for it!
Here are the five powerful journal questions:

  1. Reflections on Growth and Ambitions: "How have my goals and ambitions evolved over the past year, and in what ways can I align my current goals with the energy of Capricorn for grounded and practical growth?"

  2. Harnessing Capricorn's Determination: "What are the challenges I face in my personal or professional life, and how can I utilize the determination and resilience of Capricorn to overcome these obstacles?"

  3. Balancing Responsibility and Self-Care: "In what areas of my life do I need to exercise more discipline and responsibility, and how can I balance these with necessary self-care and relaxation?"

  4. 11/1 Portal Insights: "As we enter the 11/1 portal, what unique opportunities or insights are emerging for me, and how can I make the most of this powerful time for personal transformation?"

  5. Manifesting with Capricorn's Energy: "What am I aiming to manifest in my life during this New Moon in Capricorn, and what practical steps do I need to take to turn these aspirations into reality?"


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