February horoscopes

The stars are aligning in Aquarius, bringing all the good vibes for socialising and making connections with like-minded peeps. Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius, is all about community and improving society. So, get ready to surround yourself with some awesome individuals who share your passions, goals, and outlook on life. This month is gonna be a blast!

On February 5, the sky is lit up with a gorgeous Full Moon in Leo. It's the perfect time to reflect on all the hard work you've put in since the last New Moon. Take a moment to check in with yourself and see if you're striking the right balance between showing off your fabulous self and staying level-headed. Think about any ways you might be holding yourself back in your creative endeavours or relationships and let them go, girl! The Full Moon is all about letting go of what no longer serves you.

With Venus, the planet of love and relationships, in a powerful position in the sky, February is a great time to manifest your deepest desires. From February 8 to February 18, Venus will encourage you to aim high and seek harmony, beauty, and creativity. These are especially positive days for love and romance. On February 11, communication will also improve as Mercury enters Aquarius. Keep an eye out for February 15 and February 19 as well, as these may be particularly lucky days for love and romance.
On February 3, the Sun and Uranus are having a little tiff and that means you might be feeling a little antsy. Don't let that energy push you into making hasty decisions, channel that Aquarius chill and take a step back to evaluate what really needs a change.

Pisces season is here on Feb 20th, and it's time to get in touch with your feelings and explore your spirituality. Listen to your heart and let your imagination run wild. You might be feeling like a little more alone time, and that's okay! Use this time to reflect, create, and heal.

The New Moon in Pisces on February 20 is a prime opportunity to set intentions for your creative, spiritual, and emotional goals. Embrace your imperfections and start that project you've been dreaming about. Do things that make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Close your eyes, imagine your perfect world, and make it happen,

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

Aries, the month of February 2023 is likely to be a time of action and forward momentum for you. You may feel a strong desire to take charge and make things happen, and you are likely to have a lot of energy and drive. This is a great time to focus on your goals and to take steps to make progress towards achieving them. You may also find that you are feeling particularly confident and self-assured, and you are willing to take risks and embrace new opportunities.

This is also a good time to focus on your personal growth and development, as you are likely to be feeling open to new ideas and ways of thinking. You may find that you are more open to trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone, and you may be feeling more adventurous than usual. Valentine's day is getting spicy this year. Venus and Pluto are getting cozy, which means your emotions are about to go into overdrive. If you're already in a relationship, this is the perfect time to take it to the next level. Pluto is all about transformation, so you and your significant other can dive deep and explore the unknown in your relationship. Get ready for some serious intensity!

Overall, the month of February 2023 is a time for you to embrace your leadership skills and take charge of your life. Trust your instincts and go after what you want, and you are sure to make the most of this exciting and dynamic time.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

Taurus, the month of February 2023 is likely to be a time of stability and security for you. You may feel a strong desire to focus on your home and family life, and you may find yourself putting extra effort into creating a warm and nurturing environment. This is a great time to work on any home improvement projects or to focus on strengthening your relationships with loved ones. Venus is giving you a major boost in the social department, and that's great news for your career. The Sun is shining on your 10th house of rep, so you'll be feeling extra motivated to show off your skills and impress the people you admire

You may also find that you are feeling particularly grounded and focused during this time, and you may be able to make important decisions with confidence and clarity. This is a good time to tackle any tasks or projects that require patience and persistence, as you are likely to have a strong sense of determination. On February 8, Uranus is sending its wild energy to Venus in your 1st house of identity. This is the perfect time to shake things up, try new things and meet new people. It's time to add some thrill and adventure to your life!

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

On February 15, Venus is aligning with the dreamy Neptune, which means you're about to have a ton of new ideas and inspirations. Your imagination is about to be set on fire, so don't be afraid to let it run wild. You may feel a strong desire to break free from your routine and try something new and different.  

This is a great time for you to take a risk and follow your heart, as you are likely to be feeling confident and courageous. Your natural charm and charisma will be heightened, so you may find yourself attracting new opportunities and relationships. This is also a good time to focus on your personal growth and development, as you are likely to be feeling open to new ideas and ways of thinking. 

Whether you're an artist or not, a wave of inspiration is headed your way. And with Neptune still hanging out in your 10th house, you can turn those new ideas into career gold. So go ahead, get inspired and let your imagination run wild!

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

Saturn's feeling sassy and wants to see what you're made of. It's heading to your eighth house, the one that deals with all the juicy stuff like sex, money, and death.. So, get ready for some real talk and some major changes. But don't worry, it's all for a good cause. You see, Saturn wants to help you figure out who you really are, especially when it comes to all those heavy topics. And honestly, it's about time you got to know yourself a little better. And trust me, once you do, you'll be feeling like a whole new person.

February's got some big plans for you, and it's all about the relationship between your feelings and your money. It's time to get real about how your emotions affect your finances and vice versa. But don't worry, you don't have to figure it out on your own. Reach out to your loved ones and even a financial coach and get their input. Trust me, they'll have your back.

And don't even get me started on Valentine's Day, Venus says it’s gonna be a good one. Who knows what's in store for you? Maybe some gifts, some appreciation, some quality time? All I know is that whatever it is, make sure you savour it. Because it's going to be good, real good. 

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Feisty February is almost here and it's time for you to bring your A-game. You're feeling confident and ready to take on the world, but don't let that cockiness get the best of you. Remember, it's always important to keep your ego in check and not let it get in the way of your relationships and goals.

On February 16, Saturn, the daddy of the zodiac, is gonna be all up in your business, making you take a hard look at what's cluttering up your life. It's time to figure out what's not working for you and what you can cut out. So, get ready to get ruthless, and learn to be patient. It's gonna take some time and some effort, but trust me, it's worth it.

And while you're at it, don't forget about Pluto, the boss of the zodiac. It's making itself at home in your sixth house of work and health. This little planet moves slow but steady, and it's here to shake things up in your daily routine. So, get ready for some big changes in the way you go about your day.

Just make sure to watch out for any unexpected twists and turns. You never know what life has in store, so stay flexible and open to change. Trust that things will work out in the end, even if they don't go exactly as planned.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

Get ready for an unpredictable February! With both Mercury and Venus moving through Aquarius and your sector of communication, you'll be feeling extra talkative and social. This is a great time to connect with friends and colleagues and to share your ideas and thoughts. Just make sure to watch out for any misunderstandings or miscommunications. With these planets in retrograde, it's important to be clear and concise in your interactions. 

On February 11, the cheeky little planet Mercury is gonna be slinking into its favourite haunt- the sixth house of work. Translation? Time to get your sh*t together and start crossing things off that to-do list. You see, Mercury is all about the details, and now's the time to pay attention to them. So, get ready to be productive, to get things done, and to be the reliable one at work. It's time to show 'em what you're made of.

You may also find yourself feeling a bit restless and eager for change. Don't be afraid to shake things up and try new things. This is a time for taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. Just be mindful of the potential for unexpected surprises, and make sure to stay organized and grounded.

Overall, trust in yourself and your abilities, and don't let anyone else's opinions hold you back. You're capable Virgo, and this is your time to shine.

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

Are you feeling pulled in every direction? It's like you're letting everyone else call the shots- your coworkers, your family, your friends, even the people you follow on social media. But not in February, honey. It's time to get back to what you really think, feel and like, and that's the only way you're gonna feel like the real you again.

On February 4th, Venus - your personal planet- is gonna be getting all up in Mars' business and it's gonna be causing some tension. But don't worry, this energy is here to help you. You see, this is your chance to get rid of those old, tired ways of expressing yourself and try out some new things. Be bold and experiment with your creative and artistic side. Try out new techniques and styles. Get out of your comfort zone and show the world what you're made of,

Saturn is all up in your grill, messing with your fifth house and your creativity and self-expression. But don't be fooled, this isn't all bad news. Saturn is here to help you confront the things that are holding you back. You know, the things that make you feel unloved or unworthy. It's time to take a good hard look at that little voice in your head that tells you can't do this or that, and tell it to take a hike. Saturn wants you to break those fears down and take control of your life, so don't be afraid to take responsibility for yourself!

♏ Scorpio (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

It's time to put down the work and pick up some play. You've been grinding non-stop, but it's time to balance that with some emotional stability at home. And don't worry, Valentine's Day isn't just for couples. You're in for some sweet treats and romantic moments, but if that's not in the cards, treat yo'self! And let's not forget, it's the perfect time to pick up a new hobby or reconnect with an old one. So go on, live a little and find your groove. 

Pluto is bringing the heat to your love life and relationships, making you crave deeper connections and understanding. Whether you're in a relationship or flying solo, you're ready to level up and truly understand yourself and the people around you. So, cut the small talk and get ready to dive deep.Get ready to get sh*t done and have some good old-fashioned family fun, honey! Mercury is moving through your home zone from February 11 to March 2, so you'll be able to tackle all those pesky domestic tasks like a boss. Plus, you'll be feeling extra social, so make sure to schedule some quality time with your loved ones. Nothing like a good family hang to keep things interesting.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

Last month may have been a rollercoaster of stress and frustration, but this month, things are looking up! Mercury and Mars are back in full force, and you're feeling more free-spirited than ever. It's time to trust your gut, take risks and step out of your comfort zone. Whether it's booking a last-minute vacation or trying a new workout class, now is the time to push yourself and learn new things. With Mercury in your communication zone from February 11th to March 2nd, you'll have the perfect opportunity to connect with friends and brainstorm new ways to achieve your goals. So, Sagittarius, don't waste any time, it's time to get out there and make things happen. 

You're feeling extra lovey-dovey this month, thanks to Neptune's influence on your domestic life. You're seeing the good in everyone and everything, and it's reaching its peak just in time for Valentine's Day. Venus and Neptune are teaming up to give you the ability to love unconditionally. You're sensitive and intuitive, so trust your gut when it comes to your relationships. Give your all to your friends, family, and that special someone without expecting anything in return. You'll be surprised at how good it feels. 

♑ Capricorn (Goat): December 22–January 19

You're over the old routine and ready for a change. It's time to face that emotional baggage head-on and figure out what's holding you back. It ain't easy, but it's worth it. February 8th is the day for you to throw caution to the wind and live a little! Venus and Uranus are teaming up to bring some excitement and spontaneity to your love life. So whether you're single or spoken for, it's time to break out of your boring routine and let your wild side shine.

Valentine's Day? Pshh, who needs a fuss? You're perfectly content with a low-key night in with your significant other or your friends. But don't be surprised if your loved ones start noticing the progress you've been making and make comments.

February is your month to get inspired and start chasing those big dreams. It's time to switch up your thinking and make things happen. It's time for you to turn those dreams into reality. But before you take off, the full moon on February 5th wants you to have a heart-to-heart with that special someone in your life. It's time to lay it all on the table and talk about what you both need to feel secure. And once that's done, from February 11th to March 2nd, messenger Mercury is in your money zone, giving you the power to pitch those money-making ideas and make them happen.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

Happy birthday, Aquarius! It's your time to shine. But before you start popping champagne and celebrating, let's talk about communication. It seems like lately, you've been hitting a roadblock when it comes to getting your message across. 

It's time to have some real talk with your loved ones. Just take a moment to think about how you can change your approach, or if something's getting lost in translation. On February 19, Venus and Pluto are getting cozy, which means it's time to let your desires and passions fly and get intimate AF. You might come off a little strong, but let's be real, you're ready to dive deep and be your true self. And with Pluto in your subconscious zone, you're primed to uncover all the hidden parts of yourself and finally face them head-on. So, be honest, be real, and be compassionate with yourself. Trust us, you'll come out even more confident and whole

And when it comes to Valentine's Day, don't hold back on expressing your passions. The more effectively you communicate, the better the day will go.And don't let any communication issues later in the month get you down. Some people just can't handle the truth. Just keep building that self-confidence and let those jabs roll right off.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

It's time to get it, 'cause Pisces season is officially here, and the Sun's shining directly on you. You better believe that you're the main attraction now, and you're ready to own it. Are opportunities coming your way? You better believe you'll be all over it. The end of this month is all about discovering your true sense of self, so get ready to dive deep and find out what makes you, you.

It's time to put those big dreams into action. You've got the cosmic power of a new moon in your favour on February 20th, so don't waste a second. Think about those wild ideas that have been floating around in your head and figure out which one you wanna turn into a real, tangible goal. And, bonus, while Venus is in your cash zone from February 20th to March 16th, your squad could bring in some unexpected dough. So, don't be afraid to network and hustle.

Valentine's Day is comin' up and you know you want some love, gifts, and recognition. There are SO many ways to do this. So, go ahead and plan a Galentine's Day celebration, singles. And hey, it's the perfect opportunity to gather your squad and announce your birthday plans.

Pisces season arrives mid-month, bringing a new wave of excitement for the future. You'll finally see the path to unlocking your best self and you're ready to make it happen.


Feeling fierce: How the Full Moon in Leo will affect you


Aquarius season is here!