The 7 chakras for beginners

If you’re not familiar with the concept of chakras, they’re the different centers of energy in your body that deal with different aspects of your life. I think it’s important to understand your chakras because they can make a huge difference in how you feel and, more importantly, how you live your life.

What are the Chakras?

​​The word "chakra" is sanskrit meaning ‘axis of energy’, and more specifically the energy which emanates from your body. Chakras are believed to be centers of spiritual energy in our body. They are usually described as spinning vortexes radiating out from a person's spine, near the navel or heart, and they often correlate to specific physical, psychological or spiritual ills.

In Vedic philosophy, there are seven energy points or chakras along the etheric running up from the perineum to just beneath the crown of our heads. As well as being a storehouse for life force and power, these wheels of energy, if they become blocked, can create stress or anxiety or even dis-ease and so your well-being can suffer. That's why it's always great to regularly tune into your energy and see where feels blocked and if you don't know how to do that, then we highly recommend you go to see an energy healer for a fast way to unblock your energy centres.

Root Chakra

We’ll start with the Root chakra, because the it governs all the senses. Primarily, the first chakra is about self-expression and stability. It is in most cases found around your pelvis and represents who you are.

It is related to tranquility and considered a symbol of hidden potential. It influences balance, stability, security including self-confidence & vitality. Negative emotions in this chakra represent fear and anxiety while positive emotions manifest as courage, will power & well being.

It’s the centre of emotion and feeling, which is a good thing because the Root chakra is what allows us to connect to our feelings and experience other people’s emotions. The Root chakra is the seat of intuition, love, responsibility, and life and is located at the base of your spine. It is the place where our thoughts, feelings, and memories originate and is also the source of empathy, energy, and lust.

The root chakra is the first of our seven energy centers or "chakras" (of Hindu esotericism) and focuses on survival and foundation of existence, material security as well as rootedness in the here and now. Root and foundation are integral parts of every being, there can be no life without establishing roots to live upon.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, is located just below your belly button and connects with your emotions, sense of creativity and sense of well-being. It also relates to our sense of self and what we need to do to keep our bodies functioning properly.  It has feminine energy to it and governs our passion both sexually and creatively.

The Sacral Chakra represents creativity, and being open to possibilities and realities in the spirit world. It is said to govern creativity and can help creative abilities flow into all the other chakras, including the throat, heart and third eye chakra.

It balances or neutralizes energy or emotions and blocks you from releasing obsessive or negative thoughts, that could lead to regression.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper belly at the diaphragm and acts as the centre of personal power. 

The solar plexus is related to life direction, awareness, intuition, and decision-making. It’s known as a “second eye” in astrology, and there are many self-help books that promote exercises for releasing the chakra energy of the solar plexus to encourage you to tap into your intuition, promote concentration, or simply improve your life.

According to yogic teachings, the Solar Plexus chakra is associated with health and ailments of the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas along with that of emotions including anger, impatience and worry. We believe this because of its close connection with the digestive system and messages from gut reactions that go on to affect wellbeing socially and psychologically.

It is associated with the elements of fire and water, qualities of self-worth, stimulating brain activity.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located between your heart and your lungs and gives us the ability to feel love and compassion. The fact that it’s the centre of the heart is probably why the emotion of love is known as the fifth chakra. It’s also the energy that makes you come alive. 

The heart chakra is associated with compassion, affection, and love. The energy of the heart chakra starts in the center and expands through the chest. This chakra connects the lower and upper chakras, acting as a bridge between earthly matters and higher aspirations

The heart chakra as you can imagine is associated with love, from your relationships to your passions, the heart chakra has it all going on. If you experience pain around here, it can be a sign of heartbreak, betrayal or even grief. This is one of the main factors in a blocked at Shakra and there are many ways to free the energy from this Shakra, from Reiki healing, to kinesiology and all the energy healing modalities.

Its pattern is typically bluish/ purple, which symbolizes composure and peace. Greener hues are seen as the ability to metabolize matter and lower oneself to materialistic pursuits, while white sometimes symbolizes clarity or streaming water.

The heart chakra has to do with our relationships and connections with others. If there has been some loss or hurt in relationships, it is felt in the heart area. The loss or hurt could even be associated with things and events, such as moving or losing a job

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is responsible for air, your voice, your voice modulation and voice changing and for managing your emotions and your emotional energy. 

The throat chakra, quite literally the voice we use to speak and intone with, is situated halfway between the head and below the neck. It relates to self-expression and the ability to take on challenges that may threaten our safety, since it is our most vital connection to both self and others. Physically it provides energy for swallowing food, which gives us strength in battle.

The throat chakra is about your ability for both speaking your truth and listening to others. Holding space for wellness includes creating an safe environment for personal development. The energy needn’t be serene – it can be a place of laughter or crying, journeying forward with people who are working on their voice, developing spiritual practices that enhance hearing sensitivity, or exploring the power of silence in meditation or yoga poses.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located in the middle of your foreheads, above your eyes.  It deals with spirituality, self-mastery, intuition, perception and compassion. Generally, the third eye chakra is at a quiet, meditative state where you’re most likely to feel calm and centred. 

It’s your “soul” chakra, so it’s important to make time to connect with it regularly to make sure your brain has the attention it needs. The reason it’s important to tap into this area is that you can cultivate a lot of life-changing spiritual, spiritual, spiritual wisdom in this part of the brain, which is where you will find your true essence and your power. 

This chakra is associated with the energy of intuition, creativity, and insight. The color that corresponds to this chakra is indigo or purple.

The third eye chakra is primarily related to your inner vision and intuition. People often activate this core when they meditate and frequently use it when they have higher level psychic abilities. It's referred to as your super power center.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of your head and connects you directly to source and unconditional love.

It also allows you to connect to your spirit guides and your intuition. When this chakra is closed, you may feel like you cannot pinpoint the direction you want tot ake or feel mixed up about your true thoughts on something. 

When the Crown Chakras is balanced we are feeling connected with others and positively towards more expansive ideas. This can manifest in thought patterns with a more positive view on life which promotes success through openness to new possibilities as well as phenomenal outlook on life in general!

By accessing the Crown Chakra, we make manifest positivity, peace and harmony in regards to personal growth and spirituality.


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