Your March horoscopes are here!

It looks like we've finally made it to the start of the new astrological year! Happy freakin' new year. This is the time to get your life together because everything is about to shift and align in your favour. With the start of the Aries season on March 20th, we're talking about new beginnings, fresh starts, and all that jazz. It's time to let go of the old and embrace the new because the universe is about to send some serious blessings our way. So get ready to slay, because this astrological new year will be absolutely fabulous.

This month is gonna be lit because Saturn, the planet of responsibility, finally leaves Aquarius after a 2.5-year snooze-fest on March 7th. And guess what? Saturn is sliding into Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, and it's all going down on the same day as the Virgo full moon. How's that for a celestial party, huh? Get ready to tap into your most compassionate self, because we're talking about feels on feels on feels. It is Pisces, after all. So don't be afraid to dive deep and let those emotions flow, because that's how you're going to make a real difference in this world. Get ready to slay with your empathy, darling.

We need to talk about the most important aspect of your work/life balance - your LIFE! On Tuesday, March 7, we've got a full moon in Virgo hanging out in your 9th House of Philosophy, and you know what that means? Yeah, it's time to get introspective and take a break. WFH, keep things on the down low etc. It's time to put yourself first and get your self-care game on point because this month is all about YOU! So get ready to pamper yourself like the queen (or king) you are, because we're talking about some serious TLC. I'm talking bubble baths, face masks, and maybe even a little bit of retail therapy. But that's not all, my loves! You also need to take care of your well-being, so make sure you're getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water, and nourishing your body with healthy foods. And don't forget to get your sweat on, because exercise is a great way to boost your mood and release those endorphins.

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

Get ready to slay, because your birthday season is just around the corner, but hold up, honey! We've got some work to do before we can start the party. You're going to be feeling all introspective and whatnot during Pisces season, as it activates your sector of solitude and closure. So get ready to let go of all that dead weight and release those subconscious burdens, because we're all about that growth mindset! And mark your calendars for March 7th, because that's when Saturn's shift out of Aquarius and into Pisces is going to crank up the intensity in that sector of your life for the next 2.5 years. So buckle up, Aries, because we're about to slay our way through some major changes and come out on top

We're talking about finding that balance in life and slaying our way to greatness, because that's what we do! The full moon in Virgo and the shift of Saturn into Pisces are here to remind us to nourish all areas of our lives. We're talking about relationships, mental health, physical health, and spiritual wellness, my loves! So go ahead and schedule that therapy session, sign up for that new yoga class, or treat yourself to a reiki session, because self-care is the name of the game. And once Aries season starts on the 20th, followed by the new moon in Aries on the 21st, things are going to click into place and you're going to be grateful that you put in the work at the beginning of the month. So get ready to slay, my lovelies, because balance is the key to success!

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

Once Aries szn kicks on on the 20th, your spirituality sector is about to light up like a disco ball! Focusing on yourself during this time is a good thing! You've been putting everyone else's needs ahead of your own lately without even realising it. So go ahead, put yourself first for once and let the world revolve around you! Change is fabulous, especially when it gets you closer to fulfilling your life's purpose. It's time to take a good, hard look at your life and ask yourself if your work, relationships, and behaviour are in sync with your vision for your future self. Don't underestimate the power of small changes, like enrolling in a certificate course or trying out a new class - these baby steps can add up to a major transformation and send you soaring towards success!

Get ready to hit the reset button because the Equinox (March 21 AEST and 20 GMT) is coming up, and it's officially your home season! This is your second chance at New Year's, so don't waste it! It's time to take a long, hard look at what you want to achieve this year. So grab a glass of wine, light some candles, and get ready to manifest those goals.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

It's time to level up your career game. Starting from 8 March, you're going to be all about clarifying your professional aspirations. So let's get this party started. First things first, take a good, hard look at where you are now and where you want to be. Saturn's shift into Pisces on the 7th is about to rock your world! This is your chance to ditch that logical approach and tap into your intuition instead. So don't overthink it, honey - trust your gut when it comes to making those tough decisions. It's time to let your inner goddess guide you to success, and with Saturn's help, you'll be unstoppable.

 And, mark your calendar for March 16th because that day is a freaking jackpot for dreaming big and making those career moves. As Aries season hist on the 20th, followed by Pluto's iconic shift into Aquarius on the 23rd, you’ll want let loose, speak your mind, and be the flirtatious, bold Gemini you were born to be. And hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen, because Pluto's three-month transit in Aquarius is going to bring some major changes. You might find yourself packing up and moving to a new city, starting a new course of study, or even reinventing your entire identity. And who doesn’t love that more than a Gemini?

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

Get ready for a major mood shift this month because we're bridging the gap between the old and the new. It's time to get real about what you want to master next and guess what? Saturn's shifting into Pisces on the 8th, so you might feel like expanding your horizons and taking on new challenges, whether that's through travel or study. And hold on, because mid-month (15 March) is when things get real! The moon is shining a spotlight on your approach to wellness, so get ready to face some tough but necessary lessons. But don't you worry - you've got this.

Get ready to feel transformed, baby, because this month is all about growth and expansion! And the fun starts in the first week of March when we experience the Virgo full moon on the 7th, followed by Saturn's shift into Pisces. It's time to let go of the old and embrace the new, so get ready to step into your power and show the world what you're made of. 

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Leo, because this month is all about that money, honey! The full moon in Virgo has got you thinking about how to make more of it, and naturally, your first stop is your job. Are you getting paid what you're worth? Time to analyze your position and performance and see if you can negotiate that salary, baby! And once you've secured that bag, pop a bottle and breathe a huge sigh of relief. 

But that's not all - with Saturn finally moving out of your relationship sphere on March 8th, it's time for more green lights, so get ready for some serious growth and intimacy in your relationships. And if you're single, get ready for some fun and lightness in your love life - because yes, love can be fun, too! Friend-wise, an ongoing drama will finally get sorted once Mars clears its retrograde shadow on March 15th.

 And as if all that wasn't enough, Aries season and the Astro new year begin on March 20th, activating your sector of travel and expansion. With Pluto shifting into Aquarius on the 23rd, your relationships will be in the spotlight, so why not plan a baecation or a trip with your friends to shake things up? This Aries season, be willing to switch up your routine and expand your heart and your mind. It's time to live your best life, Leo!

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

It's time for a halfway check-in as we celebrate the full moon month. You're probably killing it in your career and fitness goals, but this month's full moon is all about self-care. Don't worry, it's not all about early morning workouts and tedious spreadsheets - balance is key to avoid burnout. And if you're ready to get serious about relationships, buckle up because Saturn is stepping up in your love life from March 8th. Take some time to imagine your dream setup and don't worry about the how-to's just yet.

 During Aries season and the Astro new year, expect more fun and playfulness in your partnerships, and get ready for Pluto's shift into Aquarius on the 23rd which may feel unsettling at first. But hey, life is never really stable or secure, so embrace the uncertainty and keep moving forward.

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

March is your time to focus on self-care and radical love, got it? First off, during the first three weeks of the month, you need to get your head in the game when it comes to your health and wellness journey. Don't worry if you've been slacking off, the astro new year isn't until March 20th, so take it easy on yourself as the month begins. But don't get too comfortable, because the Virgo full moon on March 7th, along with Saturn's shift into Pisces that same day, is going to force you to confront your limiting beliefs and then rise above them. So, stretch those limbs and get flexible, because this month is all about letting go and surrendering to the shifts.

Now, here's the good news. The astrological new year on March 21st is the perfect moment for a relationship reboot. And with your ruling planet in the best shape, it's been all year from March 17th, giving your closest bonds some much-needed TLC will pay off in a big way. And one more thing, Mars has had you craving new knowledge and practical skills since last summer, but when it moves into Cancer on the 25th, all that studying is finally going to pay off!

♏ Scorpio (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

First things first, let's deal with those family and living issues. You're finally putting them to bed on the 8th, so that's one less headache to worry about. From there, it's all about tapping into that creative side of yours. Take some time to dream big mid-month, and don't hold back! The stars are aligning to help you harness your imagination and get those creative juices flowing. Then, Aries season rolls in on the 20th, bringing with it a strong intuitive energy that you won't want to ignore.

 Trust your gut and keep your eyes peeled for any opportunities that light a fire in your belly. But wait, there's more! Pluto and Mars are changing signs later in the month, promising to shake things up in your friendships and even your love life. You don't want to miss out on all this action, so make sure to schedule some downtime and enjoy the ride! Get ready for a complete overhaul of your life because the Astro new year is coming in hot on the 20th! By the end of the month, you might not even recognize yourself, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The real kicker is Pluto, your planetary ruler, moving into Aquarius on the 23rd, which will turn your roots upside down. This is the perfect time to let go of any emotional baggage you've been carrying since childhood. Don't try to do it all at once; take it one step at a time and breathe through it.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

Brace yourself for a Pisces season that’ll have you all up in your feels about family and your past. But don’t fret, the Virgo full moon on the 7th, coupled with Saturn’s shift into Pisces, can help you tackle any unfinished business you’ve been avoiding. Saturn's shift also marks the beginning of a new three-year cycle that puts a spotlight on your living situation and family dynamics. It’s time to take a hard look at what’s working and what’s not. No need for a detailed plan, just use your Sag intuition to envision how you want this aspect of your life to look.

Mid-month, the last quarter moon in your sign is the perfect time to make decisions about personal goals. Whether that’s accepting a dream gig or doing a complete makeover, don't hold back. With Jupiter, your ruling planet, currently in Aries, feel free to take leaps of faith, even if you’re unsure of the outcome. But be aware, you may resist the change at first. Trust your gut and take a chance, Sag.

♑ Capricorn (Goat): December 22–January 19

Your travel bug will be biting hard this Pisces season, and the full moon in fellow earth sign Virgo on the 7th will make you want to pack your bags and hit the road. So, start planning a trip with your friends or family, and don't forget to request time off from work.

As the sun enters Pisces and lights up your creative zone, you might feel the urge to unleash your artistic side. Whether it's writing, singing, or screenwriting, let your creativity soar. With Saturn, your planetary ruler, also entering Pisces, it's time to be gentler in your communication with yourself and others. Trust us, it will pay off!

Finally, the end of the month will mark a significant change for you as Pluto, the planet of transformation, shifts into Aquarius. Take some time to reflect on the journey you've had with Pluto in your sign for the past years, and bid it farewell. It's the end of an era, but that only means it's time for a new one!

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

Saturn is finally leaving your sign, and it's time to say goodbye to those tough three years that were just a "character-building" experience. Now, it's time to focus on your financial plans for the long term. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or seek out some mentoring or training to help you get where you want to be.

But wait, there's more! On the 23rd, Pluto is entering your sign for the first time in centuries, and it's going to challenge you to unleash your personal power. It's okay to be a bit selfish during this revolutionary time. If you need to take a step back and process all this change, go for it. Just make sure to channel those wild thoughts and dreams into a creative outlet.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

March is your time to level up and get your sh*t together. Saturn is moving into your home sign on the 8th, and it's about to make you face some hard truths. But don't worry, you've got 2.5 years to get used to Saturn's presence and figure out your new identity. In the meantime, use the middle of the month to dream big and think about what you really want in life. And with Jupiter in Aries, it's time to embrace the spotlight and own your awesomeness. But don't forget about your finances! 

Pluto's move into Aquarius on the 23rd is going to help you see the connection between your spiritual and financial health. So start thinking like a wealthy person, and watch the abundance flow in. Your time to shine is coming up as the sun enters your sign on the 20th. Get ready to reinvent yourself and show the world what you’re made of! But hold up, don’t go rushing into anything just yet. As tempting as it may be to jump into something new and exciting, take a step back and do your homework first. The devil is in the details, so take the time to do your research and figure out the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Trust me, you’ll feel much better when you have a solid plan in place.


Full Moon in Virgo cosmic energy guide


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