Full Moon in Virgo cosmic energy guide

Get ready for some serious tea because Virgo, the ultimate analytical earth sign, is about to spill some intriguing details during the full moon on March 7, 2023. This is the time for a major reorganisation because let's be real, Virgo is ALL about organisation. It's time to let go of anything that no longer makes sense for where we're at in life - whether it's projects, relationships, or ideas. So, think carefully about what stays and what goes, and who stays and who goes, because it's key.

And let me tell you, this year's full moon in Virgo is bringing us a T-square, which is astro-talk for when three planets are 90 degrees away from each other on the astrological chart, creating a "T" shape. It's creating tension, and there's a feeling that something must be done NOW. The sun in Pisces and the moon in Virgo are opposite each other, with Mars in Gemini 90 degrees away from the sun and moon.

But wait, there's more! A full moon in Virgo is only possible when the sun is in Pisces, and let's just say these signs are pretty different. Virgo is all about being organised and logical, while Pisces on the other hand is all kinds of dreamy and artsy. It's like the ultimate odd couple. But you know what? IT WORKS.

And it's not just the tension we're feeling, it's also some flirtatious vibes because Mars is sextiling Venus in Aries. A sextile is when two planets are 60 degrees away from each other on the zodiac wheel, creating a helpful, communicative atmosphere. Mars and Venus may be playfully competitive, flirtatious, and FUN. So, get ready for a collaborative, friendly, and maybe even romantic full moon.

Now, let's get deep. Virgo's energy teaches us that we are always ready, always worthy, and perfect just the way we are. We're all connected, so it's time to start thinking about what giving back means to you. Throughout this full moon and beyond, look at what makes you angry and want to change and use this as a direction. And, if you're feeling like you're not worthy of your talents, it's time to let that go and share your magic with the world.

The vibe is all about releasing and emotional breakthroughs, so get ready for some big questions and details to emerge. And if your focus has been scattered during Pisces season, the full moon in Virgo will help you zero in on what you need to make sense of, release, or move on from.

So, let's make the most of this full moon in Virgo and embrace our worthiness and share our talents with the world. Don't hold back, because you never know who needs what you have to offer.

Some of the ways you can bring Virgo Vibes into your life are:

  1. Get organised: Virgo is all about organization and attention to detail. Take a cue from this earth sign and start organizing your living space, work area, or even your digital files. Decluttering and streamlining your surroundings can help create a sense of calm and clarity.

  2. Focus on service: Virgo is also associated with service and helping others. Look for ways you can contribute to your community or make a positive impact in someone's life. This could be through volunteering, donating to a cause you care about, or simply offering a listening ear to a friend in need.

  3. Pay attention to your health: Virgo is known for being health-conscious and wellness-oriented. Make an effort to prioritize your physical and mental well-being by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and engaging in regular exercise or stress-reducing activities. Taking care of yourself can help you feel more grounded and energized.

Journal prompts:

  1. What areas of my life could benefit from a reorganization right now? Are there any projects, relationships, or ideas that no longer serve me and need to be let go of?

  2. In what ways do I feel unworthy or hesitant to share my talents and magic with others? How can I overcome these feelings and step into a space of service and contribution?

  3. How can I tap into Virgo's energy of analysis and attention to detail to help me focus and make sense of any scattered thoughts or emotions I may be experiencing during this full moon?

  4. What surprising feelings or connections have emerged for me during this full moon? How can I nurture and explore these newfound insights?

  5. How can I bring a sense of playfulness and fun into my interactions and collaborations with others, inspired by the harmonious aspects of Mars and Venus during this full moon?


What’s the big deal with Saturn in Pisces?


Your March horoscopes are here!