Beautiful personal aura art & reading ✨

Beautiful personal aura art & reading ✨

A beautiful gift for yourself and other

What is an Aura? An aura is an energy field that surrounds every person. It reflects your emotions, energy, and spirit, telling the story of your past, present, and future. Each colour in your aura holds a key to understanding deeper aspects of your personality and life path.

What’s included:

A gorgeous digital version of the aura art, plus a 4 page digital reading in a beautiful report form. It makes for a beautiful and unusual gift,

Once the payment goes through I’ll email you to grab a clear photo of you, to put in the art piece. The art and report will be with you within 5 - 7 working days.

Hi I’m Betty

I’m a psychic, coach and artist. I love to work with energy and create beautiful art that celebrates people. Combining psychic abilities and artwork is a dream come true and I LOVE doing it.

As seen in…👀

We feel all kindsa fancy having a mediaaahhh section now…

Read our magical blog.

The services and products sold through The Cosmic Co and practitioners are not a substitution for the expertise and help available from professional service providers, including medical, financial, therapy, counseling, and more. The Cosmic Co strongly recommends that anyone seeking medical or mental health advice see a qualified medical professional in person.