Are you a Starseed?

Do you feel alone? Want to connect to your galactic family? Find out your purpose? This 6-week coaching is for you.

Calling all Star Seeds!✨ If you have a galactic heritage or resonate with the idea, and if you often feel lost and alone, struggling to navigate your time here on Earth and connect with your Galactic family, then this coaching is for you.

Dive into ancient wisdom

Together, we will tap into ancient wisdom, delve into energy work, expand our intuitive abilities, and learn how to navigate the earthly realm while staying connected to our galactic origins. This program is a sacred space where you can deepen your understanding, find clarity, and receive the guidance needed to fulfill your soul's purpose.

Who this is for:

  1. Seekers of Cosmic Wisdom: If you are drawn to ancient wisdom, metaphysical teachings, and the exploration of consciousness beyond the physical realm, this program will provide you with the tools and guidance to deepen your understanding and expand your awareness.

  2. Starseeds and Lightworkers: If you resonate with the idea that you are a starseed or lightworker with a mission to assist in the planetary awakening, this program will support you in remembering your soul's purpose and activating your innate gifts and abilities.

  3. Spiritual Explorers: Whether you are new to spirituality or have been on the path for years, if you are curious about topics such as astral travel, multidimensional existence, and channeling cosmic wisdom, this program will offer you a comprehensive exploration of these subjects.

  4. Earth Stewards and Global Visionaries: If you feel called to be a steward of the Earth and contribute to the healing and transformation of the planet, this program will empower you to align with Earth's ascension process and co-create a harmonious and sustainable world.

  5. Community Builders and Leaders: If you are inspired to connect with like-minded souls, build conscious communities, and lead by example in ushering in the New Earth paradigm, this program will provide you with the support and inspiration to manifest your vision.

Living your purpose is the ultimate form of self-love.

Hey, I’m Betty, a channeler and intuitive life and business coach. I’m passionate about helping people find a purpose and go after their dreams. I love helping you find your confidence, overcome your limiting beliefs, to help you pursue your passions and live in alignment. That's exactly what I'm doing with my global spiritual business The Cosmic Co.

Here’s what I believe: you have to do the spiritual and practical, to build something you dream about. To create something from nothing, you have to use Quantum shifts, healing old paradigms, and a whole heap of magic.

You are worthy of everything you desire, and it was put in your brain because the universe wants you to have it. Let's work together on getting really clear when your purpose, is and helping you make your dreams come true.

Remember, you have chosen to be here at this precise moment in time. You are part of a grand cosmic plan, and your unique gifts are essential for the evolution of humanity. Embrace your calling and let us unite in raising consciousness and creating a world filled with love, harmony, and enlightenment.

Awaken Your Starseed Essence:

  1. Reveal the celestial origins of your soul and step into your power as a leader of the New Earth.

  2. Forge Deep Connections with Your Cosmic Family: Learn to communicate and collaborate with your star family and cosmic guides, drawing on their wisdom and strength.

  3. Channel Wisdom for Earth’s Ascension: Become a conduit for cosmic wisdom, using your enhanced abilities to guide, heal, and inspire those around you.

  4. Elevate Global Consciousness: Apply your insights and energies to elevate the consciousness of humanity, contributing to the planet's shift into a higher vibrational state.

Ready to change your life?

This one-on-one coaching is exclusive and by application only.

Payment plans are available. Send me an email to find out more.