Your guide to the New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo offers an enriching blend of practicality and intuition, particularly when considering its Mercury rulership and its aspects to Neptune. This duality brings forth both clarity in communication and a heightened intuition. The new moon marks the start of a fresh lunar cycle. Spiritually, it's seen as a time of rebirth and new opportunities. It's a period to set new intentions, start projects, or embark on new journeys. Because the night is darkest during the new moon, it's viewed as a time for introspection and turning inwards. This can be a period for meditation, self-reflection, and understanding one's emotions and desires. Just as it signifies new beginnings, the new moon is also about releasing the old to make way for the new. It's a time to let go of old habits, beliefs, or situations that no longer serve one's higher purpose.

Virgo vibes? It’s all about getting things in order, being on point, and being that friend who actually enjoys organizing their workspace. Thanks to Mercury, this New Moon is like having your chat apps on “Do Not Disturb” mode—distraction-free and laser-focused. You'll find yourself nailing those talks, diving into new learning playlists, and maybe even taking on that DIY project you saved months ago.

But here comes the twist: Neptune slides into the mix, turning up the dreamy dial. This isn’t about zoning out; it's about tapping into your inner creative genius. You know those wild ideas that pop up in the middle of a binge-watching session? Yep, Neptune’s behind that. Your intuition is also on steroids now, so trust those gut feelings. Neptune, in astrology, is often referred to as the planet of dreams, intuition, and the subconscious. It's associated with mysticism, spirituality, creativity, and sometimes with delusion or confusion. When one wants to work with Neptune's energy, they're often looking to tap into its profound, intuitive, and imaginative aspects. Here are some ways to harness and work with Neptune’s energy. Delve into spiritual or metaphysical studies. Read about mysticism, explore divination tools like tarot, or study other spiritual traditions.

Given this dual vibe, when setting your intentions (or updating your vision board), aim for goals that merge the practical with the whimsical. Think: launching that side hustle with a unique twist, or even organizing your digital life with aesthetic folder icons. On the ritual side, start recording your dreams (the sleeping kind, but hey, the big life ones too). Also, maybe throw in a chakra-themed meditation to keep that communication channel clear and vibe-y.

In the age of TikTok tutorials and Instagram inspo, consider this phase as the perfect backdrop for leveling up. Listen actively to the latest podcasts, but also let Neptune guide you into creating some dreamy content of your own. And hey, if you’re into crystals, sodalite is your BFF right now—it's like the perfect combo of logical brainpower and intuitive flashes.

But, quick heads-up: Neptune can be a bit, well, foggy. So while you're vibing high, double-check those texts, and maybe don’t make massive life decisions on a whim. Keep that Virgo precision handy to sift through Neptune's cloudy moments.

To wrap it up, the New Moon in Virgo, with its Mercury brains and Neptune dreams, is your ticket to both getting stuff done and letting your imagination run wild. It's about finding balance in this crazy, ever-changing world.

Affirmations for the New Moon in Virgo:

  • "I am organised and in control of my environment."

  • "Every day, I am improving and refining my skills."

  • "I serve with love and purpose."

Come to our New Moon in Virgo circle:

This is free for members of The Cosmic Collective. Join today to attend weekly events.

Moon enthusiasts and cosmic dreamers, the New Moon is dawning in the meticulous sign of Virgo! This is a time for fresh starts, refined intentions, and laying the foundation for the month ahead. 🍃🌌

Virgo, an earth sign, beckons us to:

📔 Organise our thoughts and intentions

🌱 Plant seeds for personal growth

🔍 Focus on details and self-improvement

This circle enhances astrological understanding, amplifies intentions through collective energy, and fosters personal growth. Join us for a transformative experience, tapping into the lunar cycle's potent potential.

We'll come together to set intentions, clear energy, work through our shadows, gain clarity, and connect with ourselves in the power of the circle.

What's included:

  1. Oracle card readings

  2. Guided journaling

  3. Guided visualisation that will direct your unconscious to show itself to you

  4. Manifestation techniques

What you need to bring:

  1. Please bring your journal with you

  2. Good intentions

  3. Be willing to be present and share

It's time to wake up and remember who you are and claim it. Get your ticket here.


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