The lowdown to Libra season

Woo Woo Libra season 2021

Oh la la, lovely Libra season is all kindsa underway folx. Say buh bye to organised Virgo and bonjour to flirty, fun Libra. ⚖️

Kicking off on Sep 23rd and taking us through to Oct 23rd, it’s gonna be a month to focus on your purpose, go BIG, but also? Mercury Retrograde. But also also? FIVE OTHER PLANETARY RETROGRADES. Wtf?

We’ve got a retrograde party, you know? Bring your tassels and shake your thang as Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move backwards across the skies. This social gathering of the stars is called a Stellium, which sounds magical and it is. A stellium is basically when three or more planets enter not a sign’s season.  KINDA BIG DEAL.

So it’s a powerful month to be putting your thinking cap on, getting your third eye working and aligning with your purpose. What ignites you? Gets you going? This is the month to be thinking about it. So get your vision board going (hell make it a vision board party) and be all about it.

Whatever your scene, it’s also a good time for slowing down, enjoying the beautiful things in life (Libra is the sign of Venus after all). Take time out in nature, spend time getting creative and enjoying the nicer things in life. 

Give thought to relationships which aren’t working for your life and step back from them. This is a great time to bring in some epic humans, from potential suiters to new BFF’s - Libra is all about relationships.

Mars and Mercury are a big part of this season, soooo if you’re single? Get yourself a Bumblin’ and a Tinderin’ and all those dating verbs, because Libra’s vibe is all about finding love and having a damn good time doing. Shake your love poms and let’s be going. 



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