Discover your past lives: guided group visualisation

Your mind is a time machine! Dive into your subconscious and you can hop between past memories and future possibilities. You can even peek into past lives and grab some wisdom to better your now and next. I LOVE helping my clients with this.

Journey back in time and uncover the tapestry of your soul's history from the comfort of your own space. Dive into the depths of your subconscious and unlock the stories of your past lives through our online guided group visualisation session. Experience a transcendent exploration, perhaps revealing ancient mysteries, past relationships, and timeless lessons that continue to shape your current life.

Some of the benefits:

1. Self-discovery: By exploring past experiences or imagined futures, you get to know yourself on a deeper level.

2. Healing: By understanding past traumas or events, you can work on healing unresolved emotions or conflicts.

3. Better Decisions: Seeing potential future outcomes can guide you in making choices that best align with your goals.

4. Life Lessons: Revisiting past lives (or experiences) can offer insights and lessons that might be relevant to your current situation.

5. Personal Growth: This exploration can promote emotional and psychological growth, helping you understand patterns and behaviours.

6. Enhanced Creativity: Venturing through different timelines can stimulate your imagination, leading to increased creativity.

7. Empowerment: Knowing you have the ability to mentally navigate through time can boost confidence in managing life’s challenges.

Event Highlights:

* Professional Guidance: Betty will guide you through a safe and structured visualisation, designed to help you access, understand, and interpret your past life experiences.

* Ambient Atmosphere: Experience the session with a backdrop of meditative music and guided instructions to ensure a deeply immersive experience, even from home.

* Sharing Circle: After the visualisation, participants will have an opportunity to share their discoveries in a respectful and supportive online forum. (Sharing is optional.)

* Post-Visualisation Support: We understand that diving deep into your subconscious can be emotional. Our team will provide online resources and support for any post-session reflections or questions.

Who Should Attend?

This event is for anyone:

* Curious about past lives and reincarnation.

* Looking to gain insights into current life challenges or patterns.

* Seeking a deeper connection to their soul's journey.

* Interested in meditation and guided visualization techniques.

What to Prepare:

* Ensure a quiet and comfortable space for the duration of the event.

* A cushion or yoga mat for comfort (if you prefer to lie down).

* A notebook and pen for journaling your experience.

* Reliable internet connection and a device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) to join the session.

* An open mind and heart.

Important Notes:

* This is a safe, judgment-free zone.

* Every individual's experience is unique; there is no right or wrong.

Join The Cosmic Co for jusr £11 a month, for weekly magical workshops and to make new spiritual friends.

Reserve Your Spot:

Spaces are limited to ensure an intimate group setting. Register here today to secure your place in this transformative online experience.


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