April horoscopes

NEW SEASON, NEW ASTRO JUICE. First off, we have eclipse season and Mercury retrograde. Eclipse season occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in a specific way, causing either a solar or lunar eclipse. These astrological events are known for bringing about big changes and transitions in our lives. And with Mercury, the planet of communication, going retrograde, it's a time for us to slow down and reflect on how we communicate with others and ourselves.

Aries season is all about tapping into our inner fire and embracing our individuality. This is the time to take action and pursue our passions with gusto. Pluto's entry into Aquarius for the first time in 220 years signifies a new cycle of collective changes. This planet is known for bringing about transformation and upheaval, so expect major shifts in our society and systems.

With Saturn in Pisces, we are becoming more attuned to our emotions and the energy we share with others. This can lead to a sense of heightened intuition and empathy. The Full Moon in Libra on May 6 brings relational imbalances to the forefront, encouraging us to speak up when we sense inconsistencies in our dealings with others.

And for all the Tauruses out there, your season is finally here! As an earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, it's a time for you to indulge in the things that please you. Don't be afraid to celebrate your birthday in style and embrace all the abundance and luxury that life has to offer.

Finally, the Full Moon in April 2023 is a time for big reveals and stunning conclusions. As the Moon in Libra opposes the Sun in Aries, what was once hidden will come to light. This can be a time of great transformation and change, so be prepared to face the truth and make the necessary adjustments in your life.

On the 20th of the month, we've got a Solar Eclipse in Aries, and it's time to unleash our inner rebels. This eclipse is all about honoring our individuality and trusting our instincts. It's a call to action, telling us to break free from restrictive relationships and make moves based on our own needs. And you know what? We've got six months to do it, so let's make it count. It's time to embrace what makes us unique and march to the beat of our own drums. And if that means throwing a temper tantrum or two, so be it. The future is looking pretty damn free.

But don't get too carried away, because Taurus season is just around the corner, starting on the same day as the Solar Eclipse. This earthy sign is all about stability and comfort, so let's settle down and enjoy the simple things in life. With the ruling planet Venus at our side, we're feeling artistically inspired and ready to infuse our daily lives with beauty and harmony. Taurus wants us to seek out people, places, and environments that align with our values, so let's make sure we're surrounding ourselves with the good stuff.

Overall, April 2023 is shaping up to be a pivotal month astrologically. It's a time for us to embrace our individuality, tap into our intuition, and prepare for some major shifts and revelations.

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

Let's talk about what Venus, the Goddess of Love, has in store for you during the Full Moon in April 2023. Brace yourself, because this lunar event is putting a massive spotlight on your partnerships. Yeah, you heard me. All this activity is happening in your seventh house of love, baby. And while a Full Moon can certainly bring bubbling tensions to the surface, there's a silver lining to any conflict that arises. You and your loved one have a mutual desire to reach a compromise that works for both of you. So, let's get real and honest about any challenges or hurts, and move past them once and for all. 

Now, let's talk about Saturn's stern gaze during March. This planet has been revealing some intuitive hunches that you may have been ignoring. Listen up, honey. Become your own disciplinarian before reality smacks you in the face. April is your time to take action based on your gut instincts and move based on your own set of rules. And on the 6th, the Full Moon in your region of partnership may bring some incompatibilities to light. If you feel like your values are out of alignment, it's time to speak up and make some changes.

But don't worry, the Solar Eclipse on the 20th is here to bring six months of new beginnings. Adjust your focus to what you want more of in your life, and get ready to make some moves. And with Mercury stationing retrograde in your region of finances the following day, it's time to conserve your energy and resources. You got this, Aries.

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

Your birthday season is approaching, and it's time to get curious about what you want in life. Mercury is entering your sign on the 3rd, promising to keep you busy with all sorts of questions and curiosities. And wait until the messenger planet stations retrograde in your sector of self on the 21st. It's time to let your imagination run wild, honey. What would your ideal life look like? Go ahead and daydream your heart out.

And speaking of dreams, get ready for a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries happening in your sector of the subconscious. If you can dream it, you can have it, baby. Let your imagination inform your reality, not the other way around. Play around with your beliefs, and watch as the impossible becomes possible. Miracles are on the horizon, Taurus.

But let's not forget about the Full Moon in your sixth house of routines. Yeah, I know, it's not the sexiest stuff. But Venus, the goddess of love and harmony, is calling on you to find beauty in the mundane. It's in those little micro-moments of coordinating schedules and running errands together where the real building blocks of love form. So, if you can shift your mindset and find joy in the little things, you'll find true appreciation and happiness.

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

This Full Moon in your fifth house of romance is all about reminding you of your worth. You're the total package, honey, with your beauty, charm, wit, humour, and intelligence. So, it's time to find someone who sees the real you and helps you through your insecurities, not someone who makes you feel worse about them. That's true love, baby.

And speaking of changes, Aries season is prompting you to become more assertive. It's time to say what you mean, but let's avoid being mean when we say it, okay? The solar eclipse this month is inciting six months of adjustments to your social circle. Get ready for new friends and new dreams, baby.

Now, as a social sign, you're usually pretty limber in your perspective and generously charismatic. But with Mars leaving your sign and entering Cancer, you may need more emotional reassurance than usual. Say goodbye to those fair-weather friends, and reassess what you need from your network. And with Mercury stationing retrograde this month, it's time to find that sweet spot between work and play as you make judgement calls about your grander mission. You got this, Gemini.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

During this Full Moon in your fourth house of home and family, it's time to get comfy and cozy and focus on your comfort and security. If tensions have been brewing at home, don't worry. Venus, the goddess of love and harmony, is here to offer some major healing and breakthroughs. But let's be real, home is supposed to be a sanctuary, and family is supposed to provide comfort. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, and this Full Moon is going to show you where more give and take is needed to make the home unit feel more cohesive.

But don't let that bring you down, baby. With Mars entering your sign, you're about to get a boost of vitality, self-assurance, and newfound confidence. It's time to examine your sense of purpose and figure out where you want to go. 

And there are no wrong answers, honey. So go ahead and take a risk. Send out those resumes, or drive a racecar through your boss's office. All bold career moves will be rewarded in April because your sector of career is on fire.

And if you need a break from the public sphere, use the energy of the Full Moon in Libra on the 6th to retreat and cozy up. And later in the month, when Mercury stations retrograde, it's time to reexamine your long-term legacy. Who do you want to become, baby? What are you fighting for? Working towards? You got this.

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

Early April brings some networking opportunities your way, and let's face it, in this economy, you gotta grab every chance you can get to make connections. Plus, keep your eyes peeled on that inbox during the Full Moon in Libra, as you may get some welcome news about your work or passion project. And yeah, a stressful eclipse and Mercury retrograde is coming up, but don't sweat it, babe. With a little bit of self-care, you'll come out on top and be ready to enjoy the chill vibes of Taurus season. So take a deep breath, and let's do this!

But let's shift our focus to the good stuff, shall we? With the Sun blazing in fellow fire sign Aries, your confidence and sense of purpose are on fire. You spent the past few years weeding out counterparts that kept you in victimhood, and now you're ready to develop a new philosophy. What truly matters to you, and what petty distractions need to be waned out of focus? You're seeking stardom, honey, but not everyone is happy to see you succeed. Don't let that bring you down, though. Let this solar eclipse invigorate your self-belief and keep you focused on your own trajectory, even if it's brighter than those around you. It's not your job to become anyone else's epiphany, baby. So keep shining, and let the haters hate.

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

As you know, it's time for the infamous Mercury retrograde to make its appearance, but don't you worry, you're a master at handling it. March had you focusing on self-care, and now it's time to spread your wellness wisdom to the masses. Taurus season is all about indulgence and pleasure, and you're more than happy to share your self-care secrets with your friends, family, and followers.

But let's get down to business. The April Full Moon is all about finances, and with Venus in charge, it's time to take control of your worth. Don't settle for less, Virgo. Have that tough talk with your boss, meet with a financial planner, or even treat yourself to that expensive thing you've had your eye on. It's all about balance, and you deserve to indulge in life's little pleasures. So, embrace the abundance coming your way, and know that you're worthy of receiving generosity from others – even the Universe itself.

Get ready for some financial realness with the Full Moon on April 6th. It's time to cut the crap and take ownership of your worth. Stop letting other people's opinions and projections mess with your self-esteem. You've got to radiate confidence to attract abundance, so it's time to get your head in the game and start demanding what you're worth. If you need to fake it 'til you make it, then so be it.

In the professional realm, don't be afraid to ask the universe for more. You're a giver by nature, but it's time to start receiving what you deserve. And with the Solar Eclipse in your intimacy sector, you'll have a deeper understanding of how to share your talents with others. Don't be shy about asking for what you need. After all, selfish people never worry about being selfish.

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

Taurus season is here, and with it comes a lunar eclipse and, ugh, Mercury retrograde. Last month, you let go of toxic relationships to make space for healthier ones. Your love life is getting a makeover, and while change can be scary, trust that the stars have got your back. On April 3rd, Mercury enters your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation. As a romantic Libra, you're always thinking about love, but you're also a notorious procrastinator. However, Mercury's influence will push you to have those uncomfortable relationship talks you've been putting off. Mercury goes retrograde later this month, so get your communication in order now. April is all about socializing and unleashing your creativity. You're feeling extra outgoing and chatty, so go ahead and make new connections and try out new experiences. When Venus enters Gemini on April 10th, you may feel a bit scattered, but don't worry - your artistic side is about to bloom. This is the perfect time to experiment with a new hobby or artistic medium. And when Mercury goes direct in Taurus on April 14th, your love life is going to take centre stage. Get ready for some serious passion and romance, babe!

During the Full Moon in Libra on the 6th, you're being reminded to take up space and assert yourself. You deserve to have your needs met and acknowledged, especially if you've been over-giving without receiving anything in return. It's time to find balance in your relationships and stop being a people-pleaser. Your ruling planet Venus is in charge of this lunation, and she's urging you to be open to receiving as well. It's time to stop giving away all your energy and start keeping some for yourself.

♏ Scorpio (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

Hey Scorpio, get ready for a month of deep introspection and self-reflection. As Mercury moves into Taurus on April 3rd, you may feel a bit unsettled at first, but trust in your intuition and inner strength to guide you forward. Use this time to let go of any toxic patterns or relationships that are holding you back. And when it comes to your personal life, make sure you're not pushing away the love and attention you crave with your stinger. Only sting when truly necessary, and make sure to express your feelings and appreciate your loved ones. Get ready to make amends, Scorpio, because when the planet of love, Venus, enters chatty Gemini and your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation on April 10th, you'll have the opportunity to apologize for any times you may have stung your loved ones with your sharp tongue. Use this time to make things right and kiss and make up with any friends or lovers you may have hurt with your words. Remember, a little bit of sweetness can go a long way in repairing relationships.

This Full Moon in your twelfth house of the subconscious is shining a light on some hard lessons you've learned about compromise. Don't deny or ignore the difficult or unpleasant parts of yourself or others - instead, acknowledge them and integrate them into your journey moving forward. Ask yourself where your avoidance has gotten you, and if your anxious thinking is helping or hurting. Your shadow is not something to be ashamed of, Scorpio - it's just part of who you are and what you're working with. Use this Full Moon as an invitation for growth and integration.

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

Listen up, Sagittarius! Jupiter is in your corner, pushing you to follow your own instincts and start fresh. You're feeling especially creative and motivated to break free from old ways of doing things. But be careful, because unexpected expenses could throw you off track. Luckily, Taurus season is here to help you adapt and stay resourceful. And with Mercury retrograding in Taurus later in the month, you'll want to make sure you're taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally. As the most independent sign, you know the importance of alone time to pursue your interests, but don't forget to let loose with your friends during the full moon in Libra. Just watch out for drama and excess. As the month progresses, slow down and focus on finding a new routine that works for you. Taurus season is all about the mind-body connection, so take advantage of this time to pick up healthy habits that you may have forgotten. Don't get bogged down by other people's dramas, and keep your eyes open for the evidence that what you're searching for is seeking you too.

♑ Capricorn (Goat): December 22–January 19

It is a favourable time to focus on your professional development and take steps toward achieving your goals. If you’re looking to make a career change, this is a good time to explore new opportunities and network with potential employers. As per the Capricorn career horoscope, keep an open mind and be proactive in seeking out new job leads.

In terms of education, this is a good month to focus on expanding your knowledge and skill set. Consider enrolling in a course or taking on a challenging project to enhance your skills and boost your credentials. For business ventures, this is a favorable time to explore new opportunities for growth and expansion. Consider reaching out to potential partners or collaborators to enhance your business prospects.

You've got the stars on your side when it comes to career growth and development. So, put on your boss pants and get ready to make some moves. If you're feeling stuck in your current job, take a leap of faith and start exploring new opportunities. Don't wait for opportunities to come to you – go out and make them happen. And don't forget to network like a boss, because you never know who might be able to help you take that next step.

When it comes to education, you're in the mood for some serious brain expansion. This month is an excellent time to take on a new challenge, whether it's a course or a project that will enhance your skills and expertise. It's time to up your game and boost your credentials.

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

It's time to show up for your loved ones, Aquarius, and put in the effort to communicate effectively and connect on a deeper level. This Full Moon in Libra highlights the need for balance in your life, especially when it comes to your relationships. Don't let your desire for independence and individuality get in the way of building meaningful connections with others.

On a professional level, it's a good time to focus on your long-term goals and develop a strategic plan for achieving them. 

You may face some challenges or setbacks, but with perseverance and determination, you can overcome them. This is also a good time to explore new career opportunities and consider making a change if you feel stuck or unfulfilled in your current job. Keep an open mind and be proactive in seeking out new opportunities. Remember, success is not just about achieving your own goals but also about building strong relationships and connections with others along the way.

Get ready to handle some celestial hurdles this April, but don't worry - your signature adaptability and quick thinking will help you navigate them like a boss. With Venus squaring Saturn, you may face some unexpected changes in your personal and professional life, but don't let them throw you off course. Take care of yourself both physically and emotionally during the upcoming Mercury retrograde by practicing some self-care routines like hitting the gym, eating healthy, and meditating. And let's not forget to trust your gut and keep your eyes on the prize, Aries. With your innate creativity and curiosity, you'll make the most of whatever comes your way this month.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

As the Full Moon illuminates your eighth house of karmic obligations, Pisces, it's time to reflect on your recent exchanges and take responsibility for your actions. You may need to consider what you owe others, whether it's your time, attention, or honesty, and what they owe you in return. This is an opportunity to make amends, set boundaries, and move forward with the lessons you've learned over the past several months. Remember, you can't change the past, but you can choose how you respond to it. Embrace the present moment and trust your inner guidance to lead you towards a positive and fulfilling future.

You feel like a homebody for most of April, and that's okay Pisces. From a stressful eclipse to the start of Mercury retrograde, it's an ideal month to get cozy and catch up with loved ones (or your favorite TV show) at home. Just keep an eye on your inbox around the full moon on Wednesday, April 5. While astrologers can't promise cash, we can tell you what dates the stars indicate welcome professional news, and this is one of them.

Who says you have to be out and about all the time? This April, it's perfectly okay to embrace your inner homebody, Pisces. With the start of Mercury retrograde and a potentially stressful eclipse, it's a great time to take a break and catch up on some much-needed rest and relaxation at home. While you're at it, don't forget to spend some quality time with your loved ones (and your favorite TV shows, of course!). Keep an eye on your inbox around the full moon on April 5th - the stars may just have some professional news in store for you. While we can't promise cash, the stars are definitely aligning in your favor this month.


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