A guide to the best crystals for manifesting abundance

Woo Woo manifesting spirituality crystals for abundance crystals for manifesting.png

Want to manifest and struggling to bring your vision to life? Then you need some powerful abundant crystals to help you! Crystals work as hard as you do, remember - it’s important to note they don’t have all the power—it’s you that does. So being clear about what you want to attract is a great first step, as well as making sure your energy is high vibe.

There are many different kinds of crystals, each with its own unique properties. Each crystal has a positive energy that can help you manifest what you want in your life.

Choosing the Right Crystal

There are hundreds of different kinds of crystals, each with its own unique properties. It's important to choose the crystal that will work best for you. If you're new to using crystals, start by choosing one that feels comfortable to you. Then, experiment with other crystals until you find the ones that resonate with you.

If you’re trying to manifest abundance into your life, then making a list of what you want to attract, how much and getting super clear, will help you attract what you want in your life. 

Then once you have it, write it down on paper and put it underneath one of the following crystals to manifest abundance. Here’s a list of the crystals and their meaning:


So shiny, so glittery - we have to admit this is one of our favourite crystals. It was known as fool’s gold, because it looks so much like gold in itself. For a long time, It’s been seen as a symbol for money and good luck. 

The things you’ve been trying to ignore will be mirrored back to you with Pyrite, which will help you become aware of any negative tendencies (which is the first step to healing them). It also helps you overcome self-limiting behaviours and beliefs, meaning you’ll become super abundant!


This yellow crystal is perfect for aligning yourself with wealth and abundance! It represents the energy of the sun, which is revitalising and strong.

Hold the citrine crystal over your solar plexus for a little time (maybe during breath work), allowing it to merge with your field, which will allow you to be open to receive.  The solar plexus is the chakra that represents your power and confidence and it’s also the same colour as citrine - yellow!

This stone is the stone of happiness and good fortune, so get the most out of it and charge it in the moonlight to really allow it to replenish!

Rose Quartz

This might not be a stone you would commonly associate with abundance, but it’s actually one of the most important ones. Rose Quartz is known for healing and self-love, which is fundamental for being able to manifest. If you’re heart chakra is blocked because of past trauma or experiences then it also means you’ll be blocking the good experiences too and the abundance! So working on self love is critical for being able to be magnetic for money. Hold it whilst doing self-love meditations for 21 days in a row to really go on a deep love healing journey. 

Once you’re feeling like you’re starting to heal a little more, then you’ll find yourself being able to manifest in a much easier way! 

This crystal is perfect for just that and helps the heart soften up and open up, as it’s actually the stone of universal love. 

Clear Quartz: 

This little number is all about amplification and is a great crystal for manifesting money. It’s like the best friend you have who cheers you on and supports you, making you feel you can do anything. That’s exactly what CQ does with the energies of the other crystals. So make sure you align it and out it around your money crystals, to magnify the hell out of what they’re doing! 

It’s a powerfully protective crystal and is also great at clearing negative energy on the spiritual, mental and physical planes which is a handy one to have around! 

Emeralds and Rubies
Whilst these two show stoppers might be two different rocks, we have grouped them together because they work so well together! 

Let’s break it down. Emeralds are amazing for unconditional love and spiritual awareness. It’s also really good for friendship and it stimulates the heart chakra (are you seeing the connection between the heart and abundance now?) which is perfect for abundance. It’s even aligned with the Goddess of Love, Venus! And you know that BISH was abundant af.

And then Ruby! Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Whilst she might be all kindsa firey red, she’s a sign of divine creativity and promotes high self esteem and spiritual wisdom. It’s also a great symbol of good fortune, which is perfect for this. 
You can also try meditating with each of these crystals to really get to know and merge with the energy of each of them.

Ways you can use your crystals:

  • Crystal baths

  • Crystal mediations

  • Crystal healing

Cleanse and Charge Your Crystals.

Before you use any kind of crystal, make sure it's clean. This includes cleaning off any dirt or residue that might have accumulated during storage. Also, make sure the crystal has been charged properly. To charge a crystal, you can sage it, charge it under a full moon, or even in the sunlight.

Ready to get your manifesting on? Write a list out of what you’d like to manifest, make sure you do lots of things to bring you joy and go out and buy these crystals! 💎 


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