5 signs you’re a witch

Ah, the word witch. It’s certainly not been used in the most positive of connotations over the years has it? 

Well we are here to switch that up on its head 

History would portray witches as old women, who do evil, bent over with boils on their noses, but this is exactly what society does to keep women from keeping in touch with their power and to keep a small. The truth is that there’s a lot of which in all women and men, and to reclaim the term, is to step into your most powerful self. 

Here are some of the more general, broader signs that you are in touch with your witchy side:

You’re intuitive AF 

You have a deep knowing of intuition, and even though you don’t always follow it, it’s always been there since you were a child. It allows you to see through situations and people really easily. In the past you might of seen this has occurred, but it’s actually a huge blessing because it allows you to know other people’s intention straight away, and it keeps you safe. Use this regularly as it is your superpower

Nature is your BFF 

Whatever you’re doing or wherever you are, you’re always in touch with nature. From talking to trees, to put in your hands on plants longer than your average human, nature is your thing and you are one with it, you really care about the environment and the impact of humans on it. Irregularly communing with nature and this is as which she has it gets.

You see spirits 

Ever since you were a child, you have seen flashes of light, or shadows, you may have even seen full on spirits and this is very ordinary for witches. Whilst the people around you may have told you that you’re seeing things, the truth is that you are probably very sensitive to the spirit world. And spirits are drawn to you because they want your help. After all they are just humans and often need help transcending to the other side.

People come to you for help 

Which is a very wise empowered beings, and are often sort out for their knowledge and help. This is one of the many reasons that society burned witches at the stake, because they were afraid of our power. You may find the people around you often seek you for your guidance, counselling or help with medicinal purposes purposes and healing. This is a very crucial part of being a witch.

You’re all kinds of wise 

You may have been called an old soul before, and people of all ages come to you for your wisdom. Even when you were young, you were often giving advice to people who came to you for this. This may be part of how you make money, but you also do it with a lot of your friends. There are deep wisdom and witches, and whilst you can also use your intuitive powers mentioned above to help guide this, sometimes it’s just from a deep annoying, because you’re an old soul and you are here to help people.

Did any of this resonate with you? Please share this article with other witches who may need it to empower their own souls. When we launch the app )which you can sign up for, here), you’ll be able to find a community of witches on Woo Woo, here to support and empower you in a safe space.


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