5 crystals to help you get through Mercury retrograde

Navigating Mercury Retrograde can be a challenging time for many. Communication tends to get skewed, technology might act up, and misunderstandings seem to be more common. However, it's crucial to remember that, regardless of planetary movements, you are still the master of your own reality. The universe and its celestial bodies may influence energies around us, but our conscious intentions, actions, and beliefs play the ultimate role in shaping our experiences. You hold immense power, and nothing – not even Mercury Retrograde – can take that away. Fortunately, the energy of certain crystals can support us during this period, further empowering our intentions and helping to mitigate the challenging effects of Mercury Retrograde.

Here are the top five crystals to guide and uplift you:

  1. Amazonite: Often referred to as the "Stone of Truth," Amazonite is particularly powerful during Mercury Retrograde. It aids in clear communication, understanding different viewpoints, and healing misunderstandings. This is especially useful when communication mishaps occur.

  2. Fluorite: Recognized as a stabilising and grounding stone, Fluorite can help clear mental fog and confusion that often occurs during Mercury Retrograde. It's excellent for improving concentration, organization, and decision-making during these potentially chaotic times.

  3. Black Tourmaline: As one of the most potent protective stones, Black Tourmaline is essential for guarding against negative energies, technological glitches, and unforeseen disruptions. It’s great for grounding and shielding your personal energy field from the chaotic vibrations of Mercury Retrograde.

  4. Lapis Lazuli: This deep blue stone is known for enhancing understanding and effective communication. Lapis Lazuli can be particularly beneficial when misunderstandings arise, assisting in bridging the gap between opposing viewpoints. It also encourages clarity and self-awareness.

  5. Rose Quartz: With tensions potentially running high during Mercury Retrograde, Rose Quartz – the stone of unconditional love – helps foster understanding, patience, and compassion. It supports emotional healing, and self-love, and promotes harmonious interactions with others.

Remember, while these crystals can assist in making Mercury Retrograde more bearable, it’s also essential to practice patience, double-check communications, and take time for introspection during this period. The combination of both crystal energy and personal mindfulness can make a significant difference.

add into the intro about how you still create your own reality and are powerful no matter what is happening with the planets


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How to thrive and survive mercury retrograde